Whist another wonderful Datscharadio-day has started and our Morning Choir has passed the mike to the birds and bees, please let here speak the flowers – remember that it’s been only some hours ago that PLANTS AND EMPIRE made us listen to them in the most pleasant way you can imagine, so this is the chance to make the proof: lesson learned.
Read MoreDuring this summer the British artist Kat Austen has been exploring the arctic as artist-in-residence at the Scott Polar Research Institute of the University of Cambridge. Today she is our guest in the wintergarden studio to talk about her (sound)research at place – and of course to let us listen to some of the results.
Read MoreParadise Lost: City. While some of our cities want to embrace wilderness, allotment gardens are alternately flooded by rain or dried to dust by untimely persistent periods of heat. While blossoming trees are waiting in vain for pollinating bees and the Buddleja davidii lacks to attract butterflies, legions of hungry snails and larvae are gnawing down leaves and fruit – in case the fungi have left some of the latter.
Read MoreAnd so it is said, on the morning of the Seventh Day the Garden of Eden was planted. Whether it really existed or not, we will never know. We still dream of paradise gardens. And in our own gardens we seek and find a slice of heaven and happiness. But for how much longer?
At the close of the Anthropocene, characterized by climate change and the sixth wave of extinction, this biotope of ours will not be spared. Indeed it is likely to fade away. Could the much-vaunted technological progress provide us with a remedy? Or will green life continue to exist in special areas where human access is denied? What will tomorrow’s gardens look like?
Join us for an acoustic day trip to biotopes in future perfect…
Verena Kuni (Curator/Editor)
Special for Morning Chorus: Miyuki Jokiranta
Concerts and Performances: Marta Zapparoli, Plants and Empire.
Artist of the Day: Marold Langer-Philippsen with “Archie Archive In The Garden”
Electronic Garden Tea-Time in the Morning | Elektronische Garten-Teestunde am Morgen
The night owls have shifted (in)to morning birds. A gentle wind is shaking the trees, the dew of dreams drying from the leaves. The garden is awake. But what if the delicate spider’s web knitted from memories of the silence passed is still floating over the seedbeds?
Time for a cup of tea. Let us enjoy it together, while the spider’s web is carried away by the wind, towards the fields strechting far out behind the garden…
Read MoreRoyal Blossom |Königliche Blüte
A sensation. For it’s said she would open her blossoms at night. A single night. Thus we had gathered in the dark, together with Peter Ihlenfeld and others. Waiting. But it seemed she was shivering in the cold, just as we did. Her pregant buds remained closed.
The silken warmth of the morning sun aroused her to full bloom. A royal one indeed.
A sweet scent of vanilla is floating through the air. Blessed are the bees. As are us.
Secret Gardens | Geheime Gärten
Das Quecksilber steigt und der Asphalt schlägt Blasen – wohl denen, die sich in einen schattigen (Datscha-)Garten zurückziehen können. Aber vielleicht finden wir einen solchen Garten auch mitten in der Stadt? Nein, nicht in den Hinterhöfen und auch nicht in den Parks. Sondern genau hier: Zwischen den Türmen der Banken, den grauen Fassaden der Bürohäuser, den Bordsteinen, an denen der Verkehr entlangrauscht. Zen oder die Kunst, geheime Gärten auch dort aufzuspüren, wo sie niemand vermuten wird…
Read MoreBio Patents, or: Who owns the World? | Biopatente, oder: Wen gehört die Welt?
My plants, your plants – plants for everybody? You must be joking! Sure it may be well debatable if life should be claimable as property or rather not. However, when it comes to plants and their seeds, it seems like the answer is already given. The quality of seeds and breeds is decisive for harvest and gains – thus also for the market and trade value of whatever you grow in your gardens and on your acres. Consequently, the formula for a promising breed is in high demand. Not just since the first biological patents have been claimed. Yet – after being tested first in the reign of microorganisms – biological patents have made a stellar carreer in times of advanced bio-technologies, and lab genetics have finally directed the attention towards the “formulae of life”. With considerably severe consequences for every body involved…
Good reasons for Datscha-Radio to take a closer look at this field. Our guest in the winter garden studio: Vali Djordjevic von i.rights, who talks together with Diana McCarty and Verena Kuni about possible parallels, correspondences and notable differences between the current debates about bio-patents and about copyright, immaterial goods, and commons in the datasphere.
[Picture: Grown on communal ground, in this very case Rosenthal’s Hauptstrasse (main street). Hordeum. But which one? The location is usually the habitat for Hordeum murinum. However, what if it’s the edible grain that has migrated here from the fields nearby? – VK cc-by-nc-sa] Read More