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Kaamos – this means arctic night, gloom, darkness, yes, and also somehow “lock-down”. A Sámi story in Lapland tells of the sun retreating into a nest behind the horizon during these days. Others say it is the time when the earth takes a long, deep breath and draws strength… while in summer it exhales – blowing its breath into the plants and animals of the earth to awaken them to new vitality.

Poetry reading with Tomi Voronin

Kaamos Radio investigated the psychogeography of the winter night in two 14-hour broadcasts. In collaboration with Marold Langer-Philippsen.
A great thanks to the Serlachius Museum Residency and to the Goethe Institute Munich for travel funds.

Preview Kaamos Day: Feb 20

DIRECT LINK to player (if clicking the button on the right should not work): For the mp3-stream (192kbit/s): https://radiolada.out.airtime.pro/radiolada_a Durational ...

Kaamos Radio I – a resumé

„One two three: Kaaaamo-ss Radiooo!“ Kaamos Radio started into its 14-hour session with a joint shout by all studio guests ...

Preview Kaamos Radio Artists and Guests

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13 Feb: Kaamos Radio Night

Kaamos - this means something like arctic night, melancholy, darkness, yes, and also somehow “lock-down”. A story of the Sami ...

Up-coming: Kaamos Radio/Finland

Kaamos Radio. A radiophonic journey into the (sub)arctic winter Kuunvalo nukahti ja tähdet katosivat taivaalta. Ja maa hengitti hiljaa lumen ...

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