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Foto: Florence Freitag hatte Besuch während ihrer “Apfelgespräche”.

(Translation will follow) Datscha Radio bedankt sich ganz herzlich bei allen KünstlerInnen, die sich so vielfältig am Open Call beteiligt haben! Aufgrund der Menge und Länge der Beiträge haben wir uns entschlossen, neben den Loops für den Klanggarten, noch ein Nachtspecial zu kreieren, dass vor allem die längeren Stücke präsentiert. Der KLanggarten selbst spielt auf den DEFA-Märchenfilm “Das Singende Klingende Bäumchen” an.

Selbstverständlich werden viele Stücke (bis zu einer Länge von) ca. 6 min auch während unserer Liveshow vorgestellt. Wann und welches genau können wir zu diesem Punkt der Programmreife aber nicht sagen.

Klingender Baum 1

  • Auvikogue (DE): momente. gedanken. über die aufhebung der
    schwerkraft von fallobst durch resonierende frequenzmodulation
  • Elo Masing (EST): Apple Worm (DE)
  • Frau Holle – Goldmarie’s Bäumchen
  • Wald bei Nacht
  • Tiger Stangl (DE): Apfel Birne Quitte Pflaume
  • Archiv DR: Eingelegte Gurken

Klingender Baum 2

  • Tiger Stangl und Ian Joyce (DE, IRE): Samensinfonie
  • Waltraud Blischke (DE): Erlensee Equinox
  • Frau Holle – Goldmarie’s Bäumchen
  • Samensinfonie (Reprise 1)
  • Olaf Velte (DE): Geheimnisse des Apfelweins und „Mank’s Garten“
  • Samensinfonie (Reprise 2)
  • + Waldlandeule

Klingender Baum 3

  • Florence Freitag (DE, F): Die Apfelgeschichte
  • Tiger Stangl: Knoblauch
  • Helmut Peitsch (DE): Erdbeermarmelade
  • Auvikogue (DE): Im Tal der Ahnungslosen / Bad Ditzenbach
  • Gabi Schaffner (DE): Baumscherenverkäufer
  • Chor, Archiv Datscha Radio: Spann den Wagen an
  • Frau Holle – Goldmarie’s Bäumchen

Nachternte: 22-23 Uhr (nur online)

Expanded Garden Leopoldstadt – Heuernte LaaerBergBauerInnen [Common Rooms]

Eine Soundcollage aus Aufnahmen der diesjährigen Heuernte des urbanen Agrarkollektivs der LaaerBergBauerInnen. Das Wetzen der Sensen wechselt sich mit den Erntegesängen, Umgebungsgeräuschen wie Fluglärm und dem sanften Tröpfeln der Gießkannen ab.
Expanded Garden / Irene Lucas und Christoph Euler
Ein Projekt im Rahmen von Common Rooms // FLUCC Vienna 2023
Recordings: Nina Vobruba
Produktion / Collage: Sandro Nicolussi aka. BYDL

Asthral – Daniel Alquizaleth

Asthral is a contemporary spectral work recorded by the Stockholm saxophone quartet, representing the awakening of the process of astral travel (out-of-body experiences and their connection with nature) which are carried out mainly in autumn due to the energy of the earth present at this time of the year. anus.
Astral travel was present in different cultures around the world related to magic, the unknown and the extracorporeal connection of the human being with nature from Hindu stories, in regions of Tibet, Nordic stories and tales of medieval magicians.

How Do We Love This World, if mushrooms could talk and trees could [Wenn Pilze sprechen und Bäume sich umarmen könnten, wie liebten wir diese Welt]
Laura Lukisch

TRT 16:31
Inmitten extremer Wetterereignisse ist es schwierig, Liebe und Verlust, Hoffnung und Verzweiflung zz vereinen, wenn wir Zeuge von Bränden, Regenfällen, Überschwemmungen, Erdbeben und anderen Naturkatastrophen werden, die die Welt, wie wir sie kennen, verändern. In diesem Audiobeitrag verwebt die Künstlerin Laura J. Lukitsch Überlegungen der Gärtnerin und Gründerin des Occulto Magazine, Alice Cannava, der Autorin und Psychologin Anette Pollner, der Künstlerin und Autorin Eva Fiore Kovacovsky und der Somatikerin und Lehrerin Olive Bieringa.

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Poster design: Büro Stangl

Our program on October 1 combines radio and apple lore, hospitality and long distance, FM broadcasting and sound garden into a 4-hour event under the trees of the meadow orchard in Altenburg. Freshly shaken and finely shaken we have also our new announcement!

Datscha Radio can be heard internationally in the player on this website, locally on FM 90.6 around the meadow, and additionally on cashmereradio.com.

We are looking forward to our radio guests, to the upcoming conversations and are ourselves excited about the course of our day, because as always, the program will be fluid and in harmony with our guests and the submissions to our Open Call. We hope for many delicious jams, which we would like to taste live on the radio from 16:30.

We would like to give a provisional overview here, but the times given are not to be taken too precisely.


14:00 Presentation of Datscha Radio – Reflections on harvesting and apples – Songs

14:15 Grit Martinez from Einheit e.V.: The historical Altenburg Orchard I –

Sound piece

14:30 Grit Martinez: The garden book by Johannes Böttner

14:40 The Open Call Artists and their works. + Sound piece

15:00 Marcus-Andreas Mohr. The photographer from Halle has turned to literature. We will hear excerpts from and talk about his latest work, “Atlas of the Earths”.

Music / sound pieces of the OpenCall / spontaneous guests

15:45 Apple cider special + marmalade meditations / plant fair

16:30 Sensual Tasting: Jam Jubelees from Altenburg

17:10 Viktoria Scholz, “Social Harvest”: A talk about her work as a citizen artist


17:40 Meadow walk – future prospects: developments of the allotment garden landscape in Altenburg

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Autumn comes in green and red and golden, rich in scents and tastes, a time for the gathering and sharing of fruits and experiences. With Streuobstradio we want to celebrate this harvest time in sounds and stories amidst the trees of the historical orchard close to the Big Pond in Altenburg, Thuringia.

From 2 to 6 pm on Thanksgiving Day, October 1, 2023, we will be broadcasting directly from a Thuringian orchard. What is this sound of apples dropping into the wet grass? Of the spores floating amongst pollen and dirt? What recipe did your grandma use for her plum jam? What are sounds of the pleasures of harvesting the goods of the garden? Datscha Radio wants to find out – and needs your radiophonic autumn treasures!

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Datscha Radio’s nightly audio treats:

  • 3.8. 22-23 Uhr: Frau Puschels Gartenschnack
    with: Heike Puschel, Hartmut Holzapfel et al
  • 4.8. between 22-23 Uhr: Förster A.D.
    with: Wolfgang Paritzsch, et al
  • 5.8. between 22-23 Uhr: Gärten und Sterne
    with: Mathias Scheliga reads “Das Leben der Ameisen” by Maurice Maeterlink, excerpts from Münchhausen and Clarissa by Paul Scheerbart, and GardenstateData von Gabi Schaffner. Et al.
  • followed by Reprise Nachtschnecken Laubengarten, a re-broadcast of all three former shows until ca. 1:30 Uhr, 7. 8. 2023

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Datscha Radio carries the “Flying Salon of the Allotment Gardens” beyond the region of Altenburg into the wide country. Very big thanks to our broadcasting partners in Leipzig, Halle and Berlin !!!
Our program Laubenlauschen will be heard between 14 and 17 o’clock in and on:

Leipzig, Sphere Radio
Thur, 3. 8.: 14 – 16 Uhr
Fri, 4. 8.: 14 – 15 Uhr
Sat, 5. 8.: 14 – 17 Uhr
Sun, 6. 8.: 14 – 16 Uhr

Berlin, Cashmere Radio
Thur, 3. 8. – Sun, 6. 8. all through 14 – 17 Uhr, except Sat: 14 – 16:30 Uhr
On Fri, 5. 8. from 16 – 17 Uhr also on 88,4 FM Berlin and 90,7 in Potsdam

Leipzig, Radio Blau
Fri, 4. 8.: 15 – 17 Uhr

Halle, Radio Corax
Donnerstag 3. 8. 14 – 15
Freitag 4. 8. 15 – 16 Uhr
Samstag 5. 8. 14 – 16 Uhr

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Here comes a sneak preview of our program.
Each broadcast is additionally structured by some fixed features in the program, like the daily garden talk over the phone, the slightly crazy ‘arbor maze expedition’ with DJ Shlucht and Geranium blonde, or the “listening after nature” with field recordings from gardens around the world.

Of course, all details are subject to change – even a radio garden cannot be planned in a week.

Day 1 Shacks und Palaces (3.8.2023) 

Datscha Radio will be introduced to arbors and palaces, which have a good hundred years of tradition in Altenburg. But who owns the parks and gardens today? Who lives in them? And why? Datscha Radio asks how much community an allotment garden can take, which weeds can be put on the plate and listens to the wind in the willows…

Guest: Dana Weber

Day 2 ‘Headlights’ and Ears (4.8.2023) 

In hunter’s language, lights mean the eyes of the deer… which in turn also has very beautiful erectable eavesdroppers. We concentrate on the visual, art in nature, nature as art.

We accompany the forester Mr. Paritzsch through the Leina forest and let him explain what we can learn from the forest and ask: Can we also learn something by just listening to the forest?

A text and sound collage then takes us to Dresden to the allotment garden association “Flora 1”. Sonya Schönberger talked to people whose paths cross in the allotment garden about their memories and future prospects and created a feature from this, with Norbert Lang contributing the sounds.

Guest: Viktoria Scholz

Day 3 Skies and Flies (5.8.2023) 

Datscha Radio visits a star observant garden in Altenburg and asks which plants are addicted to the moon and how much light a garden can actually take? Do flowers change their shape in starlight?

Reichlich Wissen über Insekten bringt auch Christiane Nienhold mit, die sich als Eine-Neue-Welt-Pflanzerin für neue Strukturen und für eine naturverbundene Welt mit Hilfe des Gärtnerns einsetzt.

Guests: Frank Vohla, Christiane Nienhold

Day 4 On-Lookers and Birds of Passage (6.8.2023) 

Proper German allotment gardens are not allowed to erect fences higher than 1.20 meters. In this way, they separate plots from each other, but also allow for coexistence. Allotment gardeners may have their own individual plots, but they share the same listening space. Datscha Radio about borders and boundaries and about the communal and social traits of gardening.

Guests from ukraine gardening in Altenburg. Translator Harry Huttenlocher, Maren Troschke

Erläuterung zu Dokumentationen Datscha Radio

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90,6 MHz im Radio!

Datscha Radio narrow-broadcasts in a small radius of the Historic Arbor Garden on FM on 90.6 Mhz. The technology we use for this is a transmitter with a very short range. In doing so, Laubenlauschen strives to encourage shared listening…. in times of ubiquitous digital devices a real rarity!

Bring your old radio into the garden, pack a cushion and maybe a drink and listen in !

Also – the citizens of Altenburg have noticed – our postcards are ready printed and are available at the usual suspicious places in the city as well as in the Vereinhaus der Einheit e. V..

Photo: Grit Martinez
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Access from the Great Pond (Großer Teich) next to the orchard meadow and follow signs from the parking lot after the camping site.

Link on google maps.

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