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8 degrees, rain, wind gusts at 37 km/h: A perfect day to make radio outside next to a river and a pine tree! The air… was… wet!

Scheduled for today at 12 was the “Air Nets” performance by the artist Inari Virmakoski at the Jakkukylä suspension bridge some 5 km away.  We decided to split up: Ms Schaffner would stay at the station, watching the weather and tending guests and sound art works; Ms Friedrich would go, see the performance and report via telephone into the radio mic.

Radio guest of the day was Kai, who punctually appeared at 11:30. Offering him a glass of cold water seemed somehow superfluous, and we started our talk with a pronunciation exercise of his surname: LATVALEHTO. (I remember him telling me a much much longer version of this one which I looked up from the internet.) Kai Latvalehto knows the region well, having moved  over from Sweden to the region of Ii at the age of 13.

We talked about the weather, climate change (“Black Christmas” even in the North in 7 out of 10 years) and his work as a project manager of the Kripa-project/Northern AiR.

The Kripa project aims to create permanent supporting structures for the field and to increase the international competence for the local cultural actors in Ostrobotnia. It is a part of the Rural Development Programme for Mainland Finland, funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development. Currently there exist six residency location, namely in Ii, Kuusamo, Hailuoto, Raahe, Oulu and Kärsämäki.

I asked for the website, and here it is: https://www.northernair.fi/en/

Shortly after he left, the phone rang. There was Tina reporting about the preparations of Inari’s performance: constant drizzle of rain, people with umbrellas is various colors, the curators shepherding the artloving crowd of ca. 30 people, a bridge spanning the river, a camera team on location… and amidth it, dressed in a shining yellow rain coat, the most wonderful looking artist, holding a mass of white material in her arms.

From the bridge itself “Air Nets” were dangling down and dancing in the rain gusts… just like giant “Jelly fish”, Tina reported.

The connection broke and kept on breaking during the telephone transmission. In between, the following works from the open call were presented:

  • Joan Schumann: Shimmer & Loop
  • The Square Root of Negative Two: Vapor
  • Sebastian Pafundo: Gûlgaltâ = Calvariae = Calvario.
  • Richard Zeiss: It’s a beautiful rain
    And the first episode of
  • TzuHuan_Lin_How’s the Weather ep1-4: Bad Weather in Puerto Rico

By the time Ms Friedrich reappeared from the expedition, I was thoroughly frozen over. And she too. The station was packed into the box, the ‘air of Ii’ microphones activated and off we went in search for some hot hot hot cups of tea at the Kulturikauppila.

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Due to cable rearrangements, the ‘air stream’ set-up in the birdhouse (masterly put together by Ii Art technical assistant Timo) now runs only on batteries. Depending on temperatures and weather these tend to die at some point during the night.

A great occasion to create a “Night Loop” consisting of a (re)broadcast of the ‘Air on Air’ sound art contributions and also a fit way to present longer works.

The NightLoops will start from approximately 1 pm (=death of batteries) and will play until 11 am.

We also have the pleasure to say that from the 17th on, our program will be by [Open Radio]: https://openradio.in

Nightloop I: 16th

  • Elisabeth Shores: On The Inhale 0:33
  • Stuart Mellor: Turbine 4:44
  • Kazuya Ishigami: Gods rhyzm of Kehi-Jingu Shrine and Wakesa bay 5:50
  • Martin Virgili: Campana – Acantilado (10 Chapters) 1:20:00
  • Joan Schumann: Shimmer & Loop 12:46
  • The Square Root of Negative Two: Vapor 15:24
  • Sebastian Pafundo: Gûlgaltâ = Calvariae = Calvario 8:00
  • Richard Zeiss: It’s a beautiful rain 7:36
  • Tzu Huan Lin & Campbell Watson: How’s the Weather ep1-4:
    Bad Weather in Puerto Rico 25:40
    Human Social Interaction 25:40
    Evolution 14:22
    Utopia 25:40

Guests on Friday, 17th of June 11am -1pm

  • Joana Quiroga: Ferment: From the Air Around You
  • Filips Stanislavskis: Human-Cloud Project
  • Kilottaa (Elsa Häkkinen, Miia Mäkinen, Sannu Vaarala): Transcendent Messages

Nightloop 2, 18th

  • Charlotte Law: hAir
  • Castelló_Domínguez Rangel_Moreno Vera_Somón Medina: Of Breath and Sound
  • Tiger Stangl: Oxygene / Sauerstoff
  • Isto_Rahkila_Diffuser
  • Ian Joyce: Blow Out for Air on Air
  • Juho_Rahikka: Soundscape (for Datscha Radio)
  • Lukas Noren: Orgelwind
  • Sol Rezza, Franco Falistoco: Yeast DNA

From the 16th (due to a tech failure In streaming) for some time:

  • Joan Schuman: Shimmer & Loop
  • Stuart Mellor: Turbine
  • The Square Root of Negative Two: Vapor
  • Elizabeth Shores: On the Inhale
    TzuHuan_Lin: How’s the Weather ep1-4
  • La Claud: Ondes
  • Martin Virgilio: Campana Acantilado
  • Neu:
    + Stephen Shiell: Vojak

Nightloop 3, 19th

  • Chelidon Frame: a_certain_sense_of_loss + Flatline Voyages
  • Dirk Hülstrunk: Chennai Air Condition
  • Gabriele_de Seta: Air, Membranes
  • Joana Jardim & Filipe Miranda: WRP
  • Jaakko Autio: _Love_Is_In_The_Air
  • Kate Donovan: The Dream will watch over it
  • Eva Sjuve: MetopiaDeepSignal
  • George Ridgway: pedagogy of the knot

Sunday: Last Show

  • Paint the Sky: Conceptual Artists
  • Hagai Itzenberg:  Involuntarily
  • Sebastian Pafundo: Gûlgaltâ = Calvariae = Calvario
  • Dirk Huelstrunk: Poem for Air
  • + Peter Courtemanche: Mechanical Velocities

only until 0:00

The above plus:

  • Lauren Wong: (Don’t) take my breath away
  • Wilfried Hanrath: Something in the Air (and in-between)
  • NKvdK (Nieuwe Klanken van de Keizer – The Emperor’s New Sounds): Planktone

Datscha Radio Ii would like to thank ALL participating artists!!!!!

Stay tuned: There’s more to the night!

—> Streaming right after midnight, the radio artist Marold Langer-Philippsen will start on “Hörmaschine”. Both on datscharadio.de and [open radio] Read More

The weather forecast had shown a rain warning, yet the day started with bright sunshine and  stayed like this during our very first broadcast at 11 am at the Lähti park in Ii.

Our scheduled guests for this transmission were the curators of the art Ii Biennal, but! Propped up in the birdhouse our air on air mics picked up a different sound (different from the rustling wind in the pine trees, birches and the grass and the river): a song!

Along the pathways of the park a girl in a wheelchair and a social worker approached us speedily. As it turned out, Miia loves to sing. And she loves radio music, concerts and more singing.

The artist’s park of Ii is situated close the towns municipal center. There is the hospital, pharmacy, job center, retirement home and a support center for people with special abilities.

Later that morning we were joined by another radio-hunry group (we still had not started on our show), Paula, Jonas, Susanna, Timo, Sanna and Sirpa. Sirpa too proved to be a lovely singer. We chatted on about singing and our forthcoming program and the Art Biennal.

Of course, the radio day had then just started. You will read more about it in due time. This is it for now.

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Datscha Radio Schedule Up-Date
Finnish Time (GMT+3)

Hello, our time here has been very exiting so far: Pine tree juice dripping on our birdhouse cables, a visit to the local pub, tech mysteries, inspiring encounters with our fellow artists… most of which you will meet in the course of our shows.

The original plan of broadcasts has been changed to the following times:

Wed. 15th of June      2-3 pm Opening
OC Artists today: Elizabeth Shores, Stuart Mellor, Martin Virgili, Kazuya Ishigami, (after the show:) Jussi Alaraasakka

Thu. 16th of June        11 am – 1 pm
Expedition performance by the artist INARI. Reported live from the event via Tina on the telephone.
The Square Root of Negative Two: Vapour
Later on with possible changes:
Joan Schumann: Shimmer Loop
Sebastian Pafundo: Gûlgaltâ = Calvariae = Calvario (will be played again during our broadcasts
Now playing: 12:50 – the return of Tina: TzuHuan_Lin_How’s the Weather ep1-4

Fri. 17th of June          11 am- 1 pm

Sat. 18th of June         11 am- 1 pm + Radio Picnic 2 pm – 3:30 pm

Sun. 19th of June        11 am- 1 pm

Updates will follow within the next 12 hours, stay tuned :)

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Datscha Radio Ii is realised with the kind support of the Goethe Institut Munich

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Blue and translucent as the air in Ii the violets bloom in the meadows: Yes, it is still late spring here. And just as translucent and glittering are the 28+ compositions Datscha Radio received from all corners of the world as contributions to our “Air ‘in Air’ program, broadcast between the 15th and the 19th of June.

Pieces shorter than one can hold one’s breath and pieces with enough oxygene to survive a trip into space. There are ventilators, flutes, noses in marriage with microphones, extensive compositions, ‘ear plays’, airy choirs and every now and then a musical evaporation  of voices into the hues and blues.

Datscha Radio is very much looking forward to present the following international artists (here in alphabetical order):

We are delighted to welcome you to “Air ‘on Air’! Thank you for sending us your works!

  • Castelló_Domínguez & Rangel_Moreno
  • Cenk Bekdemir
  • Charlotte Law
  • Chelidon Frame
  • Dirk Hülstrunk
  • Elisabeth Shores
  • Eva Sjuve
  • Gabriele de Seta
  • Hagai Itzenberg
  • Hans Castrup
  • Ian Joyce
  • Isto Rahkila
  • Jaakko Autio
  • Joana Jardim & Filipe Miranda
  • Jussi_Alaraasakka
  • KAZUYA_Ishigami
  • La Claud
  • Lauren Wong
  • Lucas Norer
  • Martin Virgili
  • Peter Courtemanche
  • Roberto_D’Ugo
  • Sebastian Pafundo
  • Sol Rezza, Franco Falistoko
  • Stephen Shiell
  • Steve Transcoder
  • Stuart_Mellor
  • The Square Root of Negative Two
  • Tiger Stangl
  • Tzu Huan Lin & Campbell Watson
  • Voice Changer
  • Wilfried Hanrath

Due to the extraordinarily varying time spans of the different works we are still in the process of deciding how to implement them into the running schedule. State of things currently:

Pieces up to ca. 15-20 minutes will be presented in our shows. Longer works will be grouped into ‘Special Hours’ and broadcast either before and after those, with due credits given after respectively before.

We will keep you updated with more informations as soon as possible, with the midnight sun aiding us staying in awake with its untiring ray on sun (or else the ever hungry mosquitos)!

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Open Call: Air on Air
Datscha Radio will broadcast from the 8th Art Biennale in Ii, Finland. From June 15-19, 2022.


Art Ii Biennial addresses current themes, participates in the public discussion through the methods of art and boldly combines the rich cultural heritage of Ii with contemporary art.
The main focus of the event is ecological, economical, social and cultural sustainability.

This year’s theme is In the Air. How can the interconnected immateriality of air be communicated using the methods of art.

Text: https://artii.fi/

Broadcasting  about and  listening  to  ‘just  air’  seems  to  be  an  unusual  concept.  This  is  mainly  because  we  take  air  for  granted.  Actually,  it  is  not.  The  next  planet  with  a  probability  of  having  an  atmosphere  breathable  for  our  species  lies  159  lightyears  in  a  distance. 

Datscha Radio’s 2022 event “Air on Air” will present a 24/5 hour radio stream of the air in Ii. For three hours each day we will invite artists and locals alike into our studio to talk about air and present selected works from the open call. For the remaining hours a microphone will transmit the atmospheres of Ii. 
Air on Air” will happen from the 16th to the 19th of June 2022, we will be broadcasting directly from the park of the Biennal, close to the banks of the river Iijoki. The broadcasts can be heard online on datscharadio.de and via micro FM on the grounds of the Biennale.

The Call

Most  people  consider  air  sound  as  boring,  since  it  contains  not  much/redundant/ uninteresting  information.  The  contrary  might  be  true.  Air  does  not  only  form  the  background  of  anything  we  perceive  by  our  sense  of  hearing:  It  constitutes  the  very  precondition  of  why  we  hear  at  all.  There  is  no  transmission  of  sound  in  empty  space.   

What  travels  empty  space  and  almost  any  space  though,  is  radio.  In  the  shape  of  electromagnetic  waves,  radio  frequencies  have  been  with  the  cosmos  from  its  very  beginning…  and  they  travel  on  forever,  no  matter  whether  they  are  emitted  by  cosmic  explosions,  radioactive  matter,  microwave  ovens,  mobile  phones,  or,  in  that  instance,  by  Datscha  Radio. 

Let us broadcast your ‘airborne’ compositions and sonic musings together under the midsummer skies of Northern Finland. Datscha Radio is looking forward to your radiophonic input.

How to

  • Please send your files via wetransfer to info@datscharadio.de. Air
  • Please send as MP3 in 192-300 mbits
  • Label your tracks: name_surname_title
  • Do not (!) send any links to downloads. Do not send your work as mail attachment. Thank you!
  • Please provide a pdf with two or three lines (400 spaces max) each about the piece and its relevance for the theme. Two or three lines (400 spaces max) about yourself, including a website if desired. 
  • Add a line as to whether you agree with having your broadcast work archived with Datscha Radio’s online documentation. 
  • Please put “Air on Air” as a subject line.
  • Deadline: May 28, 2022

What Datscha Radio can offer

Datscha Radio works on a non-commercial basis, therefore we cannot reimburse you for your valuable time and work. Instead, what we have to offer is this:

  • your work will be presented within the frame of the Art Biennal Ii 15-19 June, locally on FM,and worldwide on stream
  • a radio art platform for discovery, exchange and networking
  • sustainability: the documentation of “Air on Air” will be archived and made accessible on mixcloud (your agreement provided)

All copyrights stay with the artists.

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DIRECT LINK to player (if clicking the button on the right should not work):

For the mp3-stream (192kbit/s):


Durational morning broadcasts:

A cold start: Ice Bathing in Germany by Ursula Rogg
The Avant Garden goes on Ice. A Rebel Radio Selection.

Open Call Contributions and Miscellanies

Shorter pieces, lullabies, poems and field recordings

Guests in the Studio between 12 and 4 pm (Finnish Time):

  • Anita Hannunen – Residence Coordinator
  • Mika Tepponen – Head of the Merkanto Opisto, the Mänttä Music School
  • Tomi Voronin – Poet
  • Kirsi-Klaudia Kangas – Poetess and yoik singer


  • Sleigh rides with and without horses
  • A Twilight Talk – with Merja Kääniäinen and Hannu, Keijo and Leevi Tuominen
  • Blinis & Moose: Food preparations and lunch with Tiina Nyrhinen, Anita Hannunen, Pauli Sivonen
  • Organ pieces played by Kaja Jantsikene in the Mäntta church
  • An introduction to the tradition of yoik singing by Kirsi-Klaudia Kangas
  • Kirsi Poutanen. A talk about Weeping Songs and Fado. With an introduction and a weeping song from quite another part of the globe, recorded by Mahlet Hates I as well as a lament about a very contemporary disaster: a corona weeping song, courtesy Emmi Kuittinen
  • The Upside Down Awake Fake World. A talk with Tixa Juka

Afternoon Ghosts
From noisy to eery to Pareidolic phenomena whispers and revisiting dreams: More selections from the open call contributions.

Preparing for Mars

Last night studies and a phone talk

From 7 pm: Aelita II with Marold Langer-Philippsen

OPEN CALL contributions (non-binding) by :

  • Blanc Sceol via Charlotte Law
  • Chrisse Candolin
  • DJ Shlucht and Auguste Vickunaite
  • Eliot Hernandez
  • Felipe Otondo
  • Nate_Drums
  • Jaana Korhonen
  • Joan Schuman
  • Kate Donovan
  • Kirsimaria E. Törönen
  • Leon Crowes
  • Michael Begg
  • Pink Twins
  • Ricardo de Armas
  • Scant Intone
  • Silo Portem
  • Sound Art Class Björn Eriksson
  • Stelios Ginannolakis
  • Steves Bates
  • Tiina Tapio
  • Trihn Lo
  • Jimmy Galvin
  • Duncan Chapman
  • David Rothenberg and Ilgın Deniz Akseloğlu
  • Ursula Rogg

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„One two three: Kaaaamo-ss Radiooo!“ Kaamos Radio started into its 14-hour session with a joint shout by all studio guests present as there were:

  • Anita Hannunen – Residence coordinator of the Serlachius museums
  • Matti Kivilahti – Poet, priest of the local community, and teacher of a writing class
  • Tomi Vorinen – Poet and founder of the Mäntää Poets Association (with Matti)
  • Kari Soino – Visual artist from Helsinki and resident artist
  • Tyyra Juka – mushroom expert and textile artist, Ruovesi
  • Tixa Juka – vocal improvisor and feeling dealer, Ruovesi
Studio View

By and by all had gathered in the studio which was set up on the first floor of the Serlachius Residency artist premises, the door to the balcony was opened to ensure a fresh drift of air through the room; there was a sofa, several chairs, and an atmosphere of general excitement and anticipation. Tixa set up the gear for his up-coming performance, involving a table record player and a reindeer horn fixed in a clamp to the table. His wife Tyyra – having brought in a medium sized and promising looking suitcase – settled into the office chair with her knitting work and the two poets comfortably lounged on the sofa.

Anita uploading some social news

The broadcast began with a Karelian lament song, performed by the Helsinki artist Kirsi Poutanen. (The talk with her will form part of the program on the 20th of February.) Anita Hannunen started out to give a description of the studio from memory with her eyes closed, congenially translated by Kari. Anita had facilitated many of Kaamos Radio’s recordings in the town and vicinity of Mänttä, and together with her horse Lissu we had taken a sleigh ride.

Kari Sonio
Kari Soinio talking about his daily snow walk

Kari Soinio is a photographer but currently he is working on a video about memory and personal resilience. Every day he walks the 3 km that separate the resident’s home at the Gösta Serlachius Museum to the studio close to the Gustav Serlachius Museum. It’s a long winding path along the shores of the lake, and one keeps walking in the footsteps of so and so many predecessors in a kind 40 cm deep furrow in the snow. The sound sounds and resounds differently with changes in temperature and humidity. And in a way, so do the musings of the walker.

Poets must wear black…

Matti Kivilahti had written to me some weeks earlier and had sent three poems about ‘kaamos’… and that’s how our acquaintanceship started. Next to being a poet, Matti is also the priest (one out of four) of the Mänttä-Vilppula community and he is teaching a writing class. He came and brought his friend and colleague Tomi Vuorinen. Both performed their own poems, the translations were spoken by Tixa. Tomi also sang a poem by the poet Eino Leino, his deep voice ringing out beautifully through the room.

This ‘Poet’s Hour’ was spiced up with the playing of several compositions by some of the Open Call artists. Kaamos Radio has received more than 35 pieces, including also a set of poems by the local poetess Jaana Korhonen. Not all of these could be played, they will be features more extensively in the afternoon of the 20th.
Tomi is also the founder of the Mänttä Poet’s Association and he has been writing poems for more than 35 years. “You can say very deep things with very few words. I am a lazy man!” he says with a wink. Both also explained the concept behind ‘Poem Karaoke’: “It is NOT a contest!”, they jointly exclaimed. There is also a beer name “Kuu” which means “moon” and has a poem on its label, which was consequently read.

Steinpilzkekse! Ich hab das Rezept!

Tyyra Juka is an expert on multileveled planes of knowledge: She is a member of the Finnish Mycological Society and mushroom number 7263 (sienineuvoja). She is a resource producer by profession and also a member of the board of local corvesation of nature-society (Suomen luonnonsuojeluyhdistys, Virtain-Ruovesden luonnonsuojeluhdistys ry.)

The suitcase she has brought with her is really a “Pieni Sienet Kauppa”, a little mushroom shop. For us in the studio and for our listeners she takes out one piece after the other. For example different kinds of dried mushrooms of which she explains their uses: Mushrooms for making ink, mushroom dyes (three colours alone from one specimen), “tähti” (Boletus) biscuits, mushroom dyed organic wool – her knitwork turned out to be a sock in the making with a mushroom pattern –… On my questioning Tyyra also explained that there are indeed “talvi sienet”, mushrooms growing during winter, even eatable ones that pop up as soon as a patch of snow has melted into the soil. In the course of our talk we tasted from her salads and muffins, and I must say, the taste of a sweet and salty, vegan (!) boletus biscuit is indescribably marvelous!

After so much tasty food it was time for an evening coffee which all enjoyed very much, some of us rather staying with their winter beers, why not!

The Feeling Dealer’s set up

Feeling dealer (“but only for the happy feelings”) Tixa went to work with a small saw, sawing the reindeer bone attached to his performance table. Before that, he held a little introductions as to why for reindeers there is no such thing as darkness as we perceive it: Their eyes have a special retina, which makes them “hundred eyed”, and this ability helps them to stay orientated and fed during the arctic winters. He played a piece titled “pohlejoka punka”, derived from a performance earlier in 2020, and he used his voice and several instruments to accompany it live. A poem-tale written by Tyyra’s mother about three sisters going into the forest still added an additional layer to the concert, read by Tixa and Tyyra (then in English) in turns.

There is also a fish bone used as instrument

The sad moment came when all the guests had to say Goodbye, which happened around 11 pm Helsinki time. Still, you will meet some of them again on your radio this Saturday. Kaamos Radio continued its program with the presentation of further contributions from the open call, an arctic opera among them as well as recordings in the field of sonic anthropology.

Around 1 am the moment came when the Kaamos stream was handed over to Bratislava: “Aelita” being the title of a brand new, durational night performance of the artist Marold Langer-Philippsen. In a little phone conversation, he told us about his planned journey to Mars, herby following the narrative outline of Aelita, or The Decline of Mars, a 1923 science fiction novel by Russian author Aleksey Tolstoy. I sent him on his way with a lullaby sung by Chrisse Candolin, about a blue car taking the children to dreamland.

Morning found me at 7 am with sleepy eyes at the microphone. An orchestra of refrigerators was still broadcasting as part of the night program, leaving Mr Langer-Philippsen in the midst of his Marsian journey. Despite some technical problems, the morning was celebrated by another – and final – durational radio art piece. Night Call by Kate Donovan listened from a Berlin garden to “the one who listens”, in that case, eavesdropping on the female nightingale.

Kaamos Radio will continue its excursions into the local arts and artist scene of Mänttä on Saturday, 20th of February, from 10 am (9 am CET) to 1am (midnight CET) on the 21st  – including many stunning and intricate compositions dedicated to the many-layered fabrics of winter. The second part of “Aelita” will start at 7 pm.

Please stay tuned and look out for the up-dated (!) program schedule on Friday evening.

Next to diverse field recordings from Mänttä and other places in Finland, there were played:

  • Karelian Lament Song – an improvisation by Kirsi Poutanen
  • The Happy Squirrel, sung by by Merja Kääriäinen
  • Stories in Colours: D15/Winter 1998
  • Vernon and Burns – A wrong turn towards eternity
  • Tom Miller – A Meditation on Darkness
  • Tom Miller – In Deep Taiga by L.M. Likhachev
  • Katuvalot I – Jaana Korhonen (poem)
  • Michael Begg – Last Dance under the Moon
  • Jane Foley/warlock Fulltime – Voice from the edge of a frozen Lake
  • Elmo Panainen – Heptagonal Winter
  • Elmo Panainen – Snow
  • Joost van Duppen – Sisa Ulko
  • Constantine Katsiris – Dorothy
  • Niina Nokkonen: Ilta Kahvi
  • Elmo Panainen – Heptagonal WInter
  • La Claud – Valo Nukatah, an Arctic Opera
  • Sebastian Pafundo – Borealiinen
  • Konrad Behr – Bauhaus.fm Orchestra/Radio Helsinki: Refrigerator Concert
  • Kate Donovan – Nightcall Radio

Jingles spoken by

Kari Soinio
Leevi Tuominen
Sophea Lerner

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