The Second Day
We woke up with the sound of a excavator: communal roadwork was scheduled. Closely, very closely our DSL cable was saved from being cut through. Men between 5 and 75 years of age held shovels and harks in their fists and a lady with garden gloves on and pruning shears removed weeds. The excavator spread raw earth on the potholes… and the bumpy garden paths improved visibly.
Meanwhile: Talks about Pomerian cucumber recipes, other gardeners, garden community laws, runaway turtles, the upcoming fruit and vegetable show (8th of Sept. at the community house) and, of course, Datscha-Radio.
Highlights of today’s program are broadcast from 8 p.m. on, 88.4:
8-9 p.m.
Music for my Saguaros. Zelda Panda
by Zelda Panda
Radio show from a garden in Brandenburg (Veilchenweg, Oranienburg)
A walk to a little desert spot,
meeting trees, flowers, vegetables and humans..
with poems, nature and music from the kitchen of our datscha,
greeting spirits, swinging on a wooden old swing
learning how a cactus becomes a hotel.
9-10 p.m.
Radio RhizomE: Pomologie I
Eine Stunde Gespräch und Musik zur Pomologie mit dem Frankfurter Künstler Jörg Spamer | One hour talk and music about pomology Jörg Spamer (talk in German, music international)
Weitere Infos und Playlist: | More info and playlist:
10-11 pm
The Mushroom Hour | Gabi Schaffner
The result of an “under-ground-hunt” in the internet for mushroom songs and videos, some already well known and others far beyond the public (middle European) reception.
Excerpts from:
Wladimir Solouchin, Die dritte Jagd. Aufzeichnungen eines Pilzjägers. Gelesen von/Read by Ulrike Stöhring
Gustav Schenk, Schatten der Nacht. Die Macht des Giftes in der Welt. Gelesen von/Read by Mattias Scheliga
Paul Scheerbart, Münchhausen und Clarissa. Gelesen von/Read by Mattias Scheliga
Zitate von / Quotes from Knut Hamsun und/and Friedrich Nietzsche. Gelesen von/Read by Michaela Schimun
“Notiz” und/and “Pilze” aus “Phänomene der Inneren Topografie” von/by Gabi Schaffner. Gelesen von/Read by Gabi Schaffner
Other texts and songs: ask if you want to know
23-24 Uhr
Radio KQSM Örnithölögie | Heinrich Dubel
Nach langer Abwesenheit zurück – Team Officer, Officer und Paulator. Eine neue Folge KQSM – Kerker, Quote, Stubenmusi, ab jetzt im kompakten Einstundenformat. Thema: eine wunderbare, neue Wissenschaft namens Örnithölögie. Richtig gelesen: Örnithölögie. Es geht um Vögel.
Gesendet wird aus einer Riesenvöliere. Und wie ..
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