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Karlheinz Jeron interviewed by Verena Kuni, ca. 1 pm.: Fresh music for rotten vegetables/fruits

Incredible line-up of events today (see below)!
Apart from that there were talks about spiders, aliens and seed patents, electrified apples and walnuts, the weather changing from sun, wind and rain to wind, rain and sun, families visiting, Elvis singing, zucchini killing, apple cake and conversations about more art and music, vegetable recipes and  a children radio play. reboot.fm started with a live stream of Tetsuo Kogawa from Tokyo. For this, please view the previous post.

Late at night, internet broke down. The broadcast of the first nightloop from the series “Composer’s Nightloops”, titled “Into the forest” is therefore slightly delayed.


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The Second Day

We woke up with the sound of a excavator: communal roadwork was scheduled. Closely, very closely our DSL cable was saved from being cut through. Men between 5 and 75 years of age held shovels and harks in their fists and a lady with garden gloves on and pruning shears removed weeds. The excavator spread raw earth on the potholes… and the bumpy garden paths improved visibly.

Meanwhile: Talks about Pomerian cucumber recipes, other gardeners, garden community laws, runaway turtles, the upcoming fruit and vegetable show (8th of Sept. at the community house) and, of course, Datscha-Radio.

Highlights of today’s program are broadcast from 8 p.m. on reboot.fm, 88.4:

8-9 p.m.
Music for my Saguaros. Zelda Panda

by Zelda Panda
Radio show from a garden in Brandenburg (Veilchenweg, Oranienburg)

A walk to a little desert spot,
meeting trees, flowers, vegetables and humans..
with poems, nature and music from the kitchen of our datscha,
greeting spirits, swinging on a wooden old swing
learning how a cactus becomes a hotel.

9-10 p.m.
Radio RhizomE: Pomologie I

Eine Stunde Gespräch und Musik zur Pomologie mit dem Frankfurter Künstler Jörg Spamer | One hour talk and music about pomology Jörg Spamer (talk in German, music international)
Weitere Infos und Playlist: www.datscharadio.de | More info and playlist: www.datscharadio.de

10-11 pm
The Mushroom Hour | Gabi Schaffner

The result of an “under-ground-hunt” in the internet for mushroom songs and videos, some already well known and others far beyond the public (middle European) reception.

Excerpts from:

Wladimir Solouchin, Die dritte Jagd. Aufzeichnungen eines Pilzjägers. Gelesen von/Read by Ulrike Stöhring
Gustav Schenk, Schatten der Nacht. Die Macht des Giftes in der Welt. Gelesen von/Read by Mattias Scheliga
Paul Scheerbart, Münchhausen und Clarissa. Gelesen von/Read by Mattias Scheliga
Zitate von / Quotes from Knut Hamsun und/and Friedrich Nietzsche. Gelesen von/Read by Michaela Schimun
Notiz” und/and “Pilze” aus “Phänomene der Inneren Topografie” von/by Gabi Schaffner. Gelesen von/Read by Gabi Schaffner

Other texts and songs: ask if you want to know

23-24 Uhr
Radio KQSM Örnithölögie | Heinrich Dubel

Nach langer Abwesenheit zurück – Team Officer, Officer und Paulator. Eine neue Folge KQSM – Kerker, Quote, Stubenmusi, ab jetzt im kompakten Einstundenformat. Thema: eine wunderbare, neue Wissenschaft namens Örnithölögie. Richtig gelesen: Örnithölögie. Es geht um Vögel.
Gesendet wird aus einer Riesenvöliere. Und wie ..

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Datscha-Radio: First Day. Not Far From A Tree









The first day was adventurous. Stage fright with Ms. Schaffner at 12 a.m., first guests arrived at 12:15 with gardener’s gifts such as “fruit leather” and a basket full of walnuts and peaches. Arrivals: Verena Kuni, the unbelievably brilliant catering team with 4 excellent salads, the friendliest bar keeper in the world. Then an interview with Pankow District Councillor Dr. Thorsten Kühne. And the highlight of the day, a stunning concert with Mimosa Pale (singing saw) and John Blue (cello) … as you can see: “Not Far From a Tree”.

Broadcast of the day: “Paradise Hour”.  A reading by Matthias Scheliga, “Papapaparadies”, a radio play by Georg Klein, “Paradise”, and a soundwalk composed by  Sherre Delys: “Jarman’s Garden”.

Now it is 1 a.m. and outside in the garden world politics have come to the table. Just a while ago, the internet was down, but it’s up again!


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Das Wintergarten-Studio





It is true: Cable laying was adventurous, tidying up was hard work. But it was worthwhile: We are online, got an up-stream and the Datscha is – thanks to amazing Ms. Puschel – cleaned. A tent has been put up and the cold punch brew is well underway. In the meantime, Augustin is catching more mice.



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Otto Mötö on Air

Lawn mowers produce noise… but also music. The Iceland-born Berlin math teacher  Käthe Paulsdottir was a collegue of the legendary Finnish motor music composer Martti Mauri, who features as the main person of the radio show. Metal Machine Mowers! Here comes a snippet of her work. For more: Listen to the show.

On Air: Sonntag, 19. August, HR2, 14 Uhr




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Reboot.fm Started Gardening

A row of sunny days… Plums and first apples got harvested by Pit Schultz and turned into pies and apple puree by myself and  tomatoes were picked by  Diana McCarty. Heath Bunting excelled in lightening the  fire, Tanja Ostojic collected sage leaves, her son Leonard meanwhile playing with smoking sticks. We had steaks and  sausages and talked about arts, radio and flowers.







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Tempest Session for Datscha Radio











On 6th of August I visited John Blue (his studio here) and Mimosa Pale. We spoke about tempests and rainstorms. John had actually recorded the storm which had struck down the Datscha garden fir 4 weeks earlier. As if it was by magic, the rain started pouring down again. And the two of them improvised on a stunning new piece for singing saw, cello and electronic samples.


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Literary speaking and singing

31st of July.  Our guests in the studio of reboot.fm, “Haus der Kulturen der Welt”, Berlin: Authors Ulrike Stöhring and Matthias Scheliga. Outside it is hot, and we are reading texts: About stuttering gardeners, the mint family, mushrooms, paradise – and 10 pages on the garden philosophy of Epicurus. Brilliantly spoken by Matthias Scheliga.

Ms Stoehring sang for us her favourite childhood garden song:

Jannek hatt' einen Garten


Pictures show Ms. Schaffner with the authors. Production: Pit Schultz


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