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Gaerten von Gestern

The Gardens of Yesterday. 54 min. Language: German. A dystopic fairytale on the future of gardening…. after the LSD riots of 2090. By Gabi Schaffner. More information: HR2 Info.

The sound material stems from field recordings made during the project “Compost and Poesis. 100 Days of Datscharadio” in Giessen, Hessia, 2014. Datscharadio expresses once again its greatest thanks to  Ingke Günther and Jörg Wagner of “gärtnerpflichten Giessen”, Herrn Holzapfel (Office of Hessian literature) and all participating guests and artists.

“Gärten von Gestern” was prompted by Pit Schultz. For their  untiring encouragement,  use of work space and important help I would  like to thank  Mathias Deutsch, Nathalie Grenzhaueser and Dirk Hülstrunk. Special cheers to Mathias Scheliga for all those test readings and to all other friends who supported me through their talks, councel, literature and their voices!

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Australian Beauties reconnects to the work of German botanists travelling Australia since the 50s of the 19th century. Namely the work of Ferninand von Müller was vital for the botanic culture of Australia: Not only did he discover a great number of plants and became the renowned director of the Melborne Botanic Gardens in 1857. Even before that he started on the most extensive collection of pressed plants in Australia for a herbarium that still forms the core of the present “plant library” of the Botanic Gardens.
Australian Beauties is a “roadside herbarium” currently featuring 23 pressed plants from Australia, provided with reinvented names, but real situational descriptions and observations on the nature of the specific plant. The work draws on the spirit of discovery which forms such a great part of Western culture – and defies it at the same time in counteracting the “laws” of taxonomy, scientific soberness and order. The grit of the road still sticks to the pressed specimens. Some look ravished, some are just blossoms without stems or leaves, others have faded, unrecognizable colours… with the discoverer occasionally failing to remember the exact location (a gravelled parking lot on the A3, Tasmania). Australian Beauties hovers on the brink between the factual and the imaginary and between irony and wonder. The images are commented in text in English and German and will form a printed publication presented probably in 2017.

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Occasionally, one picks flowers by the wayside… If you do this on a faraway continent like Australia, the outcome is somewhat surprising. I’ll leave the “real” names of those plants to the botanists, this is a more of a roadside diary…

This one is the first, 22 will follow.

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Travelling with plants: The Australian radio and sound artist Sophea Lerner travels with a suitcase fitted for the transport of garden plants.

A moveable feast, Porticulture grows where you go. A nomadic community garden for a nomadic community. By packing a garden into a suitcase I hoped to unpack some of the tensions between living a very mobile life and the necessity of grounding in place a garden usually requires.
Porticulture mobile garden was planted during Time Place Space Nomad residency New South Wales, Australia, 2014.


Sophea Lerner is an Australian sonic media artist/researcher & broadcaster. She combines personal, mechanical, edible, spatial, digital and telephonic networks into dynamic, flexible & open architectures exploring sound in public space & shared listening.

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Hausbier Tasmanien

Sandfly, Tasmania. 27. Nov. I am guest in the house of Julia Drouhin and Arjan Kok. The livingroom is full with music instruments, the kitchen full with shiny, brown bottles. Arjan explains how his home brew is done. Earlier this morning, the whole family has been exercising at the drums, hence the combination…

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Thursday, March 3rd, 19:00



Lautstrom/reboot fm – presented by Anna Bromley

Datscha-Radio – presented by Gabi Schaffner

Das Radio ist nicht Sibirien – Performance by Rafael Jové

Discussion with participants, moderation: Antje Vowinckel


Was unterscheidet den Piraten vom Kaperer? Nicht die Tat, sondern die Befugnis. Nur der Kaperer (engl. privateer), der scheinbar aus purem Eigensinn handelt, ist qua Dokument auch dazu befugt. Die Geschichte des Rundfunks ist eng mit derjenigen des Seerechts verquickt, was sich unter anderem auch in den verwandten Organisationsformen niederschlägt. Das Radio und seine öffentlich-rechtlichen, privaten sowie piratistischen Ableger. Diese klaren Abgrenzungen gelten jedoch in der aktuellen Radiolandschaft nicht mehr. Durch Internet, Podcast und Webarchive verschieben sich inhaltliche Kategorien, Sendegebiete, Zuhörerschaften und Zuständigkeiten. Bleibt die Frage, ob und wie und vor allem was gekapert wird?


Pirate/Public widmet sich an vier Abenden diesen und anderen Fragen und lädt dazu in den Errant Bodies Sound Art Space ein.
Errant Bodies Sound Art Space
Kollwitzstrasse 97

10435 Berlin

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Topiaries of RailtonRailton would be a town that no one’d ever heard of – if it wasn’t for Neil Hurley. In 1999, he came, saw… and got his scissors out. Before, he says, “there was no reason you could think of to stop here (Number of inhabitants in 2009: 900) ” Now Railton “is put on the map” and people come from far and wide to admire theis miracle. Even the BBC visited and did an interview with him in his Magic Fibre Optics shop (That’s where the music in the background of our talks stems from).

More then 50 topiaries sit in Neils backyard, more than 600 decorate the streets and gardens of the town. Scrubbily or crew-cut, they sit, lie, lean or stand along the buildings and walks.

The interview is here on soundcloud.  And the plant used for these beauties is mostly the Box Honeysuckle (Lonicea nitida).

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Beer in Tasmania

Beer tastes good! But will you really spend 8-10 Dollars on a glass/small bottle of Australian craft beer? The answer to this are home brewery kits! Look forward to an interview with a knowledgeable home brewer in Sandfly, Tasmania :)

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