Beyond the Universe

Dear artists, participants, guests and listeners,
„Listening to the Universe“ from August 11 to August 13, turned out to be a true trip to the stars, mentally as well as soul-wise, yet also in terms of multiple signal reception/reflections, wave streaming and antenna experiments. Many new friendships were formed under the trees and under the night sky. During the last day though, the sun almost melted the mixer connections and we “Listening to the Universe”, from August 11 to August 13, turned out to be a true trip to the stars – for the mind as well as for the soul – but also in multiple signal receptions/reflections, wave streaming and antenna experiments. Many new friendships were formed under the trees and beneath the night sky. During the last day, the sun almost melted the mixer connections and we had to switch off for half an hour to let the tech cool down… We also had a huge Yagi-antenna attached to the Datscha roof, catching signals from the Perseids’ falling stars. As for the garden; wasp season has just started, apples and early plums kept falling off the trees, and we had to bribe an allotment neighbour with some beers to keep him from working with his electric saw.
TThe day before yesterday, we loaded our trolleys and rucksacks, and filled our bags with early-autumn apples to travel together back into the city.
The festival’s success is definitely owing to the radiophile friends and helpers who lent their hands (and heads) to “Listening to the Universe”.
Tina-Marie Friedrich (here at 4 a.m. on August 13th) for her helping hands. She looked after the guests (and us), stayed up with us until late at night and was able to find a positive side to every breakdown.
Tina-Marie Friedrich (here at 4 a.m. on August 13) for her helping hands. She looked after the guests (and us), stayed up with us until late at night and was able to find a positive side to every breakdown.
Salome Bühler, currently doing her voluntary social year at Studio Ansage, supported us for two days by looking after the artists and documenting the program.
Jasmine Monique Guffond supported us as a sound engineer on the first day of the festival and patiently got our open-air studio up and running.
Tim Schleinitz supported us at the mixer during the night of August 12 to 13, and shared his enthusiasm for GDR science fiction films with us.
Tiger Stangl lent her car, gave moral support and watered the flowers
JD Zazie did the sound engineering for us. Her enthusiasm for unusual sounds on the radio was as contagious as her laughter.
Marold Langer-Phillipsen monitored the stream while travelling the highways between Munich and Bratislava. In the event of any tech problems he provided a remote analysis and advised us on the phone.
Please keep an eye on the Datscha website as we will strive – after a few days of rest – to fill in some gaps (more artist info, images, festival resume). A mix cloud documentation can be expected, but not before the end of September.
DatschDatscha Radio also expresses its thanks to all radio stations and radio makers that supported our work by (re)broadcasting the festival: Colaboradio, Studio Ansage and Pi Radio in Berlin; Radio Lora in Zurich; Radio Blau in Leipzig; Radio Orange in Graz; SoundArt Radio in Dartington, Devon, UK.
Soon you’ll find some photographs attached of how it looked: our set-up by day and during the night, as well as of the sky – permeated by your radiating presences and interstellar audio contributions.

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