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Tag "DR 2020 EN"
Nachtgartenkosmos ©Gabi Schaffner

Datscha Radio’s sound collage “Nachtgartenkosmos”, produced in October 2020 for Cashmere Radio, Berlin, has traveled on to Barcalona!

On December 15, the experimental radio station tesla.fm – led by artist Shak Benavides – will broadcast “Nachtgartenkosmos” twice:

Dec 15, 12-1 pm and 4-5 pm (CET)
It’s unusual enough to broadcast from a garden and create a studio situation exposed to the immediate environment (weather, temperatures, noises). With “NightGardening,” Datscha Radio took its experimental approach one step further. How can we approach the audible spheres and ecologies of the night, what stories can be told, what scents could be transformed into frequencies?
Gabi Schaffner’s radiophonic sound collage presents a mix of excerpts from “Plots & Prophecies” (2017) and “Nightgardening” (2019), followed by palimpsests and passages from Datscha Radio’s 2020 festival “Listening to the Universe – Radiophonien des Alls.” The latter took place from August 11 to 13 and was dedicated to the Perseids meteor showers.

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Radiophrenia’s radio sun is shining… night and day. From today, November 9 to November 22, 2020. Datscha Radio is happy to announce that selected works by Kate Donovan and Gabi Schaffner are being broadcast as part of the festival program. We are also happy to point out that many of Datscha Radios open call and performing artists are also featured, among them Chelidon Frame, Claudia Wegener, Joan Schumann, Leonie Roessler, Mobile Radio…

A quick overview (no claim to completeness)

  • Shorts 17Q Kate Donovan – Raum III
    11. November 2020 @ 10:30-11:00
  • Shorts 10 Kate Donovan – Seed Dispersal
    18 November 2020 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Gabi Schaffner – Fazzoletto per un eternità
    18. November 2020 @ 4:00-5:00
  • Gabi Schaffner – Time is a Sliding Door
    (Radiophrenia commission)
    19 November 2020 @ 3:00 pm – 3:45 pm
    20 November 2020 @ 6:00 pm – 6:45 pm
  • Kate Donovan – Nightcall Radio
    22 November 2020 @ 10:00 pm – 11:00 pm

Windows Media Player
Streaming URL

Radiophrenia is also broadcast on Resonance Extra via its website, TuneIn and Radioplayer and on DAB+ Digital Radio in Brighton & Hove, central Bristol, Cambridge, Greater London and Norwich.

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Dear artists, participants, guests and listeners,
„Listening to the Universe“ from August 11 to August 13, turned out to be a true trip to the stars, mentally as well as soul-wise, yet also in terms of multiple signal reception/reflections, wave streaming and antenna experiments. Many new friendships were formed under the trees and under the night sky. During the last day though, the sun almost melted the mixer connections and we “Listening to the Universe”, from August 11 to August 13, turned out to be a true trip to the stars – for the mind as well as for the soul – but also in multiple signal receptions/reflections, wave streaming and antenna experiments. Many new friendships were formed under the trees and beneath the night sky. During the last day, the sun almost melted the mixer connections and we had to switch off for half an hour to let the tech cool down… We also had a huge Yagi-antenna attached to the Datscha roof, catching signals from the Perseids’ falling stars. As for the garden; wasp season has just started, apples and early plums kept falling off the trees, and we had to bribe an allotment neighbour with some beers to keep him from working with his electric saw.

TThe day before yesterday, we loaded our trolleys and rucksacks, and filled our bags with early-autumn apples to travel together back into the city. 

The festival’s success is definitely owing to the radiophile friends and helpers who lent their hands (and heads) to “Listening to the Universe”.

Tina-Marie Friedrich (here at 4 a.m. on August 13th) for her helping hands. She looked after the guests (and us), stayed up with us until late at night and was able to find a positive side to every breakdown.

Tina-Marie Friedrich (here at 4 a.m. on August 13) for her helping hands. She looked after the guests (and us), stayed up with us until late at night and was able to find a positive side to every breakdown.
Salome Bühler, currently doing her voluntary social year at Studio Ansage, supported us for two days by looking after the artists and documenting the program.
Jasmine Monique Guffond supported us as a sound engineer on the first day of the festival and patiently got our open-air studio up and running.
Tim Schleinitz supported us at the mixer during the night of August 12 to 13, and shared his enthusiasm for GDR science fiction films with us.
Tiger Stangl lent her car, gave moral support and watered the flowers
JD Zazie did the sound engineering for us. Her enthusiasm for unusual sounds on the radio was as contagious as her laughter.
Marold Langer-Phillipsen monitored the stream while travelling the highways between Munich and Bratislava. In the event of any tech problems he provided a remote analysis and advised us on the phone.

Please keep an eye on the Datscha website as we will strive – after a few days of rest – to fill in some gaps (more artist info, images, festival resume). A mix cloud documentation can be expected, but not before the end of September.

DatschDatscha Radio also expresses its thanks to all radio stations and radio makers that supported our work by (re)broadcasting the festival: Colaboradio, Studio Ansage and Pi Radio in Berlin; Radio Lora in Zurich; Radio Blau in Leipzig; Radio Orange in Graz; SoundArt Radio in Dartington, Devon, UK.

Soon you’ll find some photographs attached of how it looked: our set-up by day and during the night, as well as of the sky – permeated by your radiating presences and interstellar audio contributions.

Tina-Marie Friedrich
Jasmine Guffond
JD Zazie
Tim Schleinitz
Tiger Stangl
Marold Langer-Philippsen on remote

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Have you got your wishes ready for the falling stars? We’ll help them travel the aether and further and further…
Datscha Radio hopes to gather a continuous assemblage of your audio or text messages to the stars that will be played or read out over the course of our 48 hour transmission. The universe will listen, be assured!

Send a message via the mentioned messenger service to: “Star Telegram” OR: Send to info@datscharadio.de

We accept poems, statements, messages in text but even better: in audio.

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Dear Open Call Artists!

Thank you for your excellent, intricate and lovingly created submissions. All in all some 50 tracks from all over the galaxy reached the orbit of the festival. The spectrum of compositions was immense: From star-system snooker playing to in-depth imaginations of meteors, from dialogues with the whispering universe to space opera, from intricate sound webs to radiophonic invocations, from the drama of matter, stargazing and the human voice to full-blown radio show productions.

Two thematically different loops/constellations were created for each of the festival nights.

I Voicing the Universe
August 12, 3-9 am (alphabetical order)

Beate Gördes – Sound–Imagination (Kosmos x1)
Bea Xu – Apocalypse Narratives
catenation – shrouded matter (li…
Cio D`Or – A4 ContinuumLynlee: Traceless Land –
Feline & Strange – Science Fiction
Hairs Abyss – Remembering the West
Joan Schuman – Hyperacousia
Könemann Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka und Nacht–Egal – der leere raum – konstellationen
Lazy Lizzie & The Taxi Boat –Celestial Soup
Sista Goldie Bee and Steve Transcoder – Dark Crying Sky
Trihn Lo – DisApparences
Topp&Dubio – Am–I-Flow-sound
Weijing Xiao – Then I dissolve

II Matter of Space
August 13, 5am-10am
(alphabetical order)

Alice Pamuk – Snooker
Anna Stereopoulos – Amphilyce
Brainquake – Starfish
Chelidon Frame – Halimede (Neptune IX)
Cio D`Or – Permanent Key
Constantine Katsiris – NASA Spaceweather Broadcast
Das unpreetzise Klang–Labor – The Elements
Derek Harrison – Perseus Visits
Jacob Moginot – Magnetic Reconnection
Jaripekka Koho/Tulasi – Pulse of Perseids
Julia Drouhin – Jupiter at 6 pm
Julian Scordato – Earth Song
Karen Chalco – n4ziap
Keddie Victoria –AscendingNode
Lydia_Ang – Moth and Mayfly
Ruta_Vitkauskaite – Orion Arm
Sebastian Pafundo –LA CREAtion
Sebastiane Hegarty – Nothing for harp and southwest
Ubu Kung – Euclid

If you don’t find your name in the lists: Some productions will surface within the course of our still flexible 48-hour program. At this point, Datscha Radio cannot name precise slots. A more definite account of „Listening to the Universe“ will be added by later on.

Again, Datscha Radio wishes to express her thanks for your creative involvement. Let us listen, across the globe, with our senses exposed to the touch of the radio waves. We will hear us in the 5th dimension!

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Press Image 1: Radar Datscha © Gabi Schaffner

“Listening to the Universe – Radiophonien des Alls“

A radio art festival by Datscha Radio
2:04 pm, August 11 until 2 pm, August 13, 2020

Every year in August, the Northern Hemisphere’s night sky is graced by meteor showers – the Perseids. Datscha Radio is using this astronomical spectacle as the departure point for a 48-hour festival of radio art. The broadcast starts at moonset on August 11 at 2:04 pm.

Datscha Radio – a non-commercial, independent, nomadic and interdisciplinary Berlin radio art initiative – has been engaged in expanding the culture of radio creation since 2012. It aims to create new listening experiences beyond the dichotomies of culture/nature and sender/receiver. It is transmitted from an allotment garden in the north of Berlin.

Listening to the Universe – Radiophonien des Alls“ is dedicated to themes and music inspired by the phenomenon of the comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle. Every year, around August 12, as the Earth draws close to the comet’s orbit, fragments of the comet fall into the Earth’s atmosphere at high speeds and light up in the form of shooting stars.

With a broad spectrum of topics – from cosmogonical myths to the signals of meteor detectors, from starlight-inspired violin improvisations to experimental horoscopes – Datscha Radio hopes to trace the path of these ‘falling stars’ to their manifestations in space and matter as the fictions and artistic responses that are bound up with them.

Where: On UKW 88,4 in Berlin and 90,7 in Potsdam, over mini FM on location and on the Internet via datscharadio.de and fr-bb.org.
The following radio stations will be transmitting Datscha Radio’s programme: Soundart Radio (Devon/UK), Radio Lora (Zurich/CH), Radio free FM (Ulm), Radio Blau (Leipzig), Archipel Stations (Berlin).

“Listening to the Universe – Radiophonien des Alls“ has been imagined and organised by Gabi Schaffner, Kate Donovan, Niki Matita and Helen Thein. Funded by the Amt für Weiterbildung und Kultur, Berlin Pankow, by Musikfonds e.V. by means of the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media (BKM), and by the Hans und Charlotte Krull Foundation.

Further information:


Gabi Schaffner (artistic direction), info@datscharadio.de, mobile0152 233 61 855
Helen Thein (press spokeswoman), thein@datscharadio.de, mobile0151 750 34 547

Link to PRESS Files.

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Open Call Datscha Radio: Listening to the Universe – Radiophonien des Alls

Call 1: Audio Works
Call 2: Telegram to the Stars
(Contact phone number published: 8th August on this website)

Every year, from the 17th of July to the 24th of August the nightskies of the Western hemisphere are graced with the meteor showers of the Perseides. Datscha Radio takes this astronomic spectacle as a point of departure for a 48 hour live radio art festival.

Datscha Radio’s 2020 event “Listening to the Universe” explores radiophonic, musical and theme-based phenomena caused by the comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle.  When the earth crosses the orbit of the comet, each year around the 12th of August, comet particles enter the earth’s atmosphere at high speed and light up as meteors.

From cosmogonic storytelling to the signals of meteor detectors, from starlight inspired violin improvisations to fancy horoscopes, Datscha Radio hopes to trace the matter of, in between and around the fallings stars. 

We will broadcast online on datscharadio.de, via micro FM in the garden and – for the greatest part – on FM on 88.4 in Berlin and 90.7 in Potsdam.

The Perseides are Calling!

With “Listening to the Universe – Radiophonien des Alls Datscha Radio wants explore transpositions of the universe into sound.

From the setting of the moon on the 11th of August at 2:04 pm until 2pm sharp on the 13th of August 2020, we will be broadcasting directly from a Berlin allotment garden in the North of Berlin. 

What are the sounds that tickle our awareness into new states of being and perception? How can we shift from Western-based knowledge culture to a diversified multiverse?
Datscha Radio wants to find out – and needs your radiophonic input and messages.

Call 1: Listening to the Universe

How can we “reflect” the universe? What is the sound of stars falling, the chirping of matter, the rumble of transformation? How can we tune in to particular matter? What are the intricacies of sky media (bodies, thoughts, transmissions, that navigate and move through the space above)? How can we create visionary stories that embody alternative futures. Let us travel to distant planets, subterranean galaxies, visionary politics of the mind and body.

Let us broadcast your ‘radiating’ compositions and sonic musings together under the falling stars of the Datscha garden. Datscha Radio asks you to focus on visions of the universe and their possible metamorphoses into sound, language and music: slow time, music of the spheres, non-human communications, poetry, dark and light matter, alternative storytelling… you name it.

  • Please send your files via wetransfer toinfo@datscharadio.de.
  • Please provide two or three lines (400 spaces max) each about the piece and its relevance for the theme, and yourself, including a website if desired. 
  • Label your tracks as: name_surname_title
  • Add a line as to whether you agree with having your broadcast work archived with Datscha Radio’s online documentation. 
  • Please put “Listening to the Universe” as a subject line.
  • Deadline: Call 1: Please submit your audio piece by the 8th of August 2020.

Call 2: Telegram to the Stars

Have you got your wishes ready for the falling stars? We’ll help them travel the aether and further and further…
Datscha Radio hopes to gather a continuous assemblage of your audio or text messages to the stars that will be played or read out over the course of our 48 hour transmission. The universe will listen, be assured!


Call 1: Please submit your audio piece until the 8th of August 2020.

Call 2: Please send your wishes, poems, dream-states and messages in audio or text to the Datscha Radio line, which will be made public on the website from the 8th of August. You may send ahead and during the festival but no later than the 13th of August, 1pm.


Our Datscha Radio program will grow with the flow of the events. There is no fixed time schedule. You’ll find a list of all participating artists on our website in due time.

Datscha Radio can be heard on

  • datscharadio.de
  • on colaboradio.org
  • in collaboration with other radio stations and projects (if interested, please, let us know)

What can Datscha Radio offer?
Datscha Radio works on a voluntary basis. Therefore, unfortunately we can neither pay for any costs, nor distribute any production fees. 

What we have to offer is:

  • a platform and experimental site for acoustic super novae
  • the broadcast of your contributions locally, via stream and on FM
  • lasting sustainability: the documentation of “Listening to the Universe” will be archived, for you to enjoy and share.


Datscha Radio is a non-commercial art and culture project. The copyright for submitted files remains with the artists. The legal model that we are using is the Creative Commons License (see http://creativecommons.org/learn/licenses).

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On Tuesday, 23rd of June, one hour of Datscha Radio Taipei will be broadcast. The excerpt is taken from DRT #4, Species and Environment, originally produced on the 23rd of February 2019.
Playing at: 12-1pm; as well as at 3-4pm and 8-9pm
At: https://teslafm.net/

We’ll be listening to Margaret Shiu of Bamboo Curtain Studio and Huang Chen-Chi, who is playing the erhu, a traditional Chinese violin.
Produced by Gabi Schaffner.

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