Datscha Radio Logo
Dr 18 Berlin Archive

Unearthing Exhibition et al

Photo: JRM

We have just sent them to Paris: digital parcels of earth tones, bird calls, water trumpets and music for snails: on September 2, Datscha Radio will be part of the program of the JRM – the Jardin de Recherches Musicales, an annual micro-FM festival in Paris, organized by Dinah Bird and Jean-Philippe Renoult. An afternoon of sun, sound experiments, field recordings and performances on the disused small train line that runs through all of Paris …

And in Berlin?

Our archives are still broadcast … for another 11 days. Time for a stroll down to Schlegelstraße 6 and a good opportunity hang out and listen. Our loop lasts 9 hours and 36 minutes, which is the average number of night hours between the opening date of the show to the end of  RAUMOHNERAUM #3 .

The gallery is open:
Do – So, 2 – 7 pm

Still available:
Last jars of our Mole Jam
and copies of the 2017 Datscha Radio catalogue!

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Image: Collage from Goethe blog

Online since today on the blog of the Goethe-Institut Munich: “Art through the ether”, a short narration of radio art history, written by Knut Aufermann. Datscha Radio is happy to be featured there in picture and sound (by and with Frieder Butzmann), in addition to a number of parallel projects and/or institutions promoting radio art. Auferman’s text gives the reader a good overview of the beginnings, alternative modes and various manifestations of this art practice, and it is a pleasure to read it!

Therefore here, not many words, but the link to the English version: https://www.goethe.de/en/kul/med/21324932.html


Knut Aufermann, born 1972, lives in Ürzig and works internationally as a radio artist, musician and organizer. Since 2005, he has worked with Sarah Washington under the project name Mobile Radio at events such as the 30th São Paulo Biennial and documenta 14.

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The exhibition RAUMOHNERAUM #3 opened yesterday! With the numerous guests came the long-awaited rain, so everyone found themselves between our molehills when Susann Kramer from the Kunstverein Neukölln e.V.
 introduced the artists from the exhibition. For the third time now, Berlins ‘Network of Free Project Spaces and Initiatives’ invited art projects that do not have their own space. Under this year’s motto “In The Neighborhood” – apart from Datscha Radio – the collective Nomadic Art, the Camping Academy and the duo Ira Hadžić & Kevin Ryan were selected.

The evening was long and pleasurable. Right next to the entrance of the Galerie Kunstpunkt, Datscha Radio broadcast earthy pearls from the archive within a small radius, including a first issue of Datscha Radio Madrid. Our camping furniture was immediately taken over and ears were held close to the radios – amidst the opening’s acoustic clutter, our radio waves could only take on a ‘subterranean’ effect. A pity that our “Unearthing the Archive” team could only be present to a lesser extent, since the other half,  Kate Donovan and Niki Matita, currently dwell at artist residencies beyond as wellas on this side of the  ocean.

Datscha Radio’s installation “Unearthing the Archive” can be seen until the 31st of August, every Thursday to Sunday, 2pm to 7pm. Our archive loop lasts exactly 9 hours and 36 minutes. This is the average number of hours between the 28th of July and the 31st of August. The selected tracks are played in random mode: what comes next remains unpredictable! Stop by and turn your ears to the molehills in the Kunstpunkt!

 Radio’s installation “Unearthing the Archive” can be seen until the 31st of August, every Thursday to Sunday, 2pm to 7pm. Our archive loop lasts exactly 9 hours and 36 minutes, the average number of night hours between the 28th
 of July and the 31st of August. The selected tracks are played in random mode: what comes next remains unpredictable! Stop by and tune your ears into the molehills at Kunstpunkt!

Here is a slideshow of images from yesterday evening with a big thank you to the
 team from the network for the great cooperation!

Photos/Text: Helen Thein
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  “Some things rest in darkness, others need to be lifted into the light.”

Here comes the playlist of the “Unearthing the Archive” audio loop: Earthy, invisible, elemental and/or plant materialities, tape music, poetologic sound art, secrets of the Moringa tree or composting in India: The spectrum is varied and the order always surprising.

Datscha Radio wholeheartedly says ‘Thank you’ to all participating artists who have enriched our program since then! We are pleased to share these and further works in future neighbourhoods.


Garden Listening Session, DR 17      

Rosanna Lovell, Gregor Kaspar et al

Carte Verte #4, DR 17

mit Stücken von Kaspar König, Frieder Butzmann live et al 

Datscha Radio Madrid 18

Plant Radio. KTA | Joaquìn Diaz

Flight to Mongolia. Daniel Sigler

Moringa Tree Talk. Eva Kurly

Il JardÏn de mi Madre. Alberto Garcìa

Greenhouse Emissions, DR 17    

Kate Donovan / Ryan McFadyen

Martha Zapparoli, DR 17    

Mole Loop 1, DR 17    

Jazkamer – The Worms Will Get It 


NN – Locquirec

Veronika Fischer & Band – Philodendron

Hassle Hound – Poppy Bush

Mole Loop 2 , DR 17                        

Schrebergärten pt. 1

Congress Woman Malinda Jackson Parker – Cousin Mosquito

Schrebergärten pt. 2

Hardman Bros – Cherrytree

Reinhard Lakomy – Jede Blume blüht nur einmal auf

Temporäres Klangmuseum presents Heimische Heuschrecken (ca. 1980)

Suetzu_Flight Master’s Whistle

Worldgardening Selection, DR 18                

Wave Song. Carolina Carrubba, Madrid 

Batan Perma Culture, Madrid
With Irene de Huerto Batan

Daily Dump. Mit Poonam Bir Kasturi.
Bangalore, Indien

Morning Field #4                

with Alexander Baker, voices of noisense, Radio 60 Secondes, Dylan Martorell, Charlotte Law, raw audio recordings

Mole Loop 3, DR 17    

Niki Matita – Haze’s Garden Radio 

Eliane – Flower by Night

Aus der Tiefe des Blau. Helen Thein 

Jingle Unearthing, de/en
Kate Donovon/Gabi Schaffner   

Unearthing Composers                          

BBQ Gardens. Spalacidae8

Antipodean Voices. Miyuki Jokiranta

Phonosynthesis. Angelo Airi Farulla


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Freshly labeled from the archive: Our “Unearthing” jams for the exhibition tomorrow. Optionally sour cherry or plum and somewhere there is even a black currant … (no cooked mole, promised).
Tomorrow from 7 pm on at Kunstpunkt, Schlegelstr. 6, Berlin.

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Just finished: the new jingle for “Unearthing the Archive”. Listen here:


      1. Unearthing jingle - GS/KD

Besides, we refurbished the site a bit:

  • In the audio archive you will find the jingles from DR 12 to DR 18 and of course the link to Mixcloud, where most (but not all) of our programs are archived.
  • In the sidebar on the right you will find (almost) all postings written about Datscha Radio’s various materialisations.
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Is it transmitting? Kate Donovan between tech and lights

Almost done: Datscha Radios preparations for our exhibition at c/o Kunstpunkt ran smoothly, not least thanks to the support of the ingenious curatorial team. We do not want to reveal everything beforehand: the opening is on Saturday, July 28, at 19 o’clock.
Stinging nettles and thistles are part of the game …

Urtica dioica



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From July, 29th in Berlin: Datscha Radio – Unearthing the Archive

Neighbourhoods, networks and radio – the thing that they all have in common is that the fine threads of their connections are only visible as temporary events: in celebrations and festivals, in exchange and support. They are organic by nature; they can expand, contract, divide, they need care and pathways… similar to a garden, whose inhabitants make contact above, as well as underneath, the ground.

Datscha Radio’s installation “Unearthing the Archive” traces what’s below the surface, and the communality of these networks. For the exhibition at Kunstpunkt, Datscha Radio is earthing and reassembling its archive, and allowing it to resonate.

“Unearthing the Archive” transmits performative pearls, linguistic matter, and music from the micro/macro cosmos of human as well as vegetal neighbours. Between molehills and mobile radios, deck chairs offer visitors the opportunity to make themselves comfortable and listen in to selected shows transmitted from the archive.

The group exhibition RAUMOHNERAUM #3: In the Neighbourhood at c/o Kunstpunkt Berlin is part of an exhibition series organised by the Netzwerk Freier Berliner Projekträume und -initiativen e. V..

Datscha Radio’s Unearthing the Archive” is created by and with Berlin radiomakers Gabi Schaffner, Kate Donovan, Niki Matita and Helen Thein.

Further artists/artist groups are:

  • NomadicArt
  • Camping Academy
  • Ira Hadzic & Kevin Ryan
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