Dec 15: Nachtgartenkosmos on

Datscha Radio’s sound collage “Nachtgartenkosmos”, produced in October 2020 for Cashmere Radio, Berlin, has traveled on to Barcalona!
On December 15, the experimental radio station – led by artist Shak Benavides – will broadcast “Nachtgartenkosmos” twice:
Dec 15, 12-1 pm and 4-5 pm (CET)
It’s unusual enough to broadcast from a garden and create a studio situation exposed to the immediate environment (weather, temperatures, noises). With “NightGardening,” Datscha Radio took its experimental approach one step further. How can we approach the audible spheres and ecologies of the night, what stories can be told, what scents could be transformed into frequencies?
Gabi Schaffner’s radiophonic sound collage presents a mix of excerpts from “Plots & Prophecies” (2017) and “Nightgardening” (2019), followed by palimpsests and passages from Datscha Radio’s 2020 festival “Listening to the Universe – Radiophonien des Alls.” The latter took place from August 11 to 13 and was dedicated to the Perseids meteor showers.
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