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OpenCall: Frequencies & Fragrances

Open Call “Night Gardening II”: Frequencies & Fragrances

Sound and scent, both travel the air. Medium and message in one, they inform the senses and invoke responses: signals, reactions, memories and anticipations. At night, our senses of smell and hearing intensify, and our communication with the world becomes less object-centred. With “Night Gardening II: Frequencies & Fragrances” Datscha Radio wants explore the transposition of smell into sound.

From sunset to sunrise, 8:46 pm on the 8th of August, until 5:39 am on the 9th of August, 2019, we will be broadcasting directly from a Berlin allotment garden.
What is this sound, soft as perfume, permeating the frequencies of our presence? Datscha Radio wants to find out – and calls for your radiophonic input.

Fragrances and Frequencies

How can we ‘translate’ olfactory perceptions into sound? How do we relate to the scents that tap into our imagination? Is there something like a ‘foul smelling’ sound? A sound, for example, that resembles the fragrance of the earth after summer rain?
Datscha Radio asks you to focus on the scents of the garden and their possible metamorphoses into sound and music:  freshly dug earth, a dead mouse, compost, a bunch of lilies, cut grass, insect repellent, apple cake… you name it.

Please send your files via wetransfer to info@datscharadio.de
Please provide two or three lines each about the piece and yourself including a website, if possible. Please put “Garden Scents” as a subject line.


Please submit your audio piece by the 15th of July, 2019.


Our Datscha Radio program will grow with the flow of the events that night. There is no fixed time schedule. You’ll find a list of all participating artists on our website in due time.

Datscha Radio can be heard on

  • – datscharadio.de
  • – narrowcast in the garden itself
  • – in collaboration with other radio stations and projects (if interested, please, let us know)


Datscha Radio’s 2019 series of “Night Gardening” explores the sensual and auditory spheres of the night. Our first episode dealt with the songs and themes connected to the nightingale, while our third and final iteration will deal with nocturnal ceremonies and audio walks. We broadcast online via datscharadio.de and via micro FM in the garden(s).

What can Datscha Radio offer?

Datscha Radio works on a voluntary basis. Therefore we can neither pay for any costs, nor disburse any production fees.

What we have to offer is:

  • – a platform and experimental site for acoustic bouquets
  • – the broadcast of your contributions, locally via FM and globally via stream
  • – lasting sustainability: the documentation of “Nightgardening I – III” will be archived on Mixcloud, for you to enjoy and share.


Datscha Radio is a non-commercial art and culture project. The copyright for submitted files remains with the artists. The legal model that we are considering is the Creative Commons License (see http://creativecommons.org/learn/licenses).



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