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Pot Plant Gardens, Bangalore

Urban Gardening is…  (to date) not really existent in Bangalore. The reasons why and some anticipated changes of this circumstance will be elaborated in subsequent interviews*. Instead, Bangalorians like to put out their potted plants on the sidewalks. These are mostly Dieffenbachias, Aloes, Anthuriums, Hibiscus, Spider Plants and the occasional Monstera. Sometimes, on a balcony you’ll find a tomato plant, but in the streets, generally, no vegetables can be found. One might argue that the is not enough open space available, but it is rather a different attitude towards concepts of public and private that keeps the Bangalorians from turning unused soil into cultivated plots. And lack of time, they say.

* with Poonam Bir Kasturi from Daily Dump (about composting and waste culture) Richard Gomes from WorkbenchProject in Halasuru (about „turtletopia“ and urban gardening) and Suresh Jayaram, Gallery Shanti Road 1 (about Indian garden culture and Bangalore’s past and present).

For a start now, some meditative views of pavement plants and plantings…

Plants for Sale

70s style?

Geranium in broken pot

Seen from a taxi window

Seen from a taxi window

Aloe on railing

Diagonal view.

Classic. Sidewalk. Arrangement.

Grouped close to tree

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