Our Taipei Datscha Radio garden is a collaboration of Taipei and international artists and musicians and the AIR program of Treasure Hill artist village. Additional support: Goethe-Institut Taipei
[html5radio radiolink="http://radio.aporee.org:8000/datscha" radiotype="icecast" bcolor="008800" image="shoutcast-icecast-html5-player-player.jpg" title="Datscha Radio Taipei – Broadcasting from Treasure Hill Artist Village" artist="Datscha Radio"
Listen on your own player (from 22nd of January) on
Datscha Radio’s stream is provided by aporee.org.
When no program is scheduled you hear a nightingale.
Or go to http://radio.aporee.org:8000/datscha
Bring your radio with you to Treasure Hill. We’ll transmit on-site on micro-FM!
In the following hours it will sprout broadcasts that are for each hour loosely arranged around a special topic. Don’t expect everything to grow as planned: There will be varieties in plant families, surprise vegetables and visiting guests spontaniously enriching the biosphere of our listening garden”.
Forecast for the 30th of January 2019
Live concert: NN
Artist Talk and presentation: Wu Tsan-Chen
Talks: Catherine Lee (director of TAV);
Cassandra/Erni (miniature hanging gardens/fruit wines)
DJ set: NN
Selected interviews: NN
Field recordings: raw audio
22nd of January:
Live concerts: Mabel Wang (Guzheng – Chinese zither) and Ely Liang (Dizi – Bamboo Flute)
Talks: Charlotte Ming Chun, Catherine Lee (THAV and TAV representatives)
Taiwanese Flowersongs: Ping
Field recordings: raw audio
Selected interviews: Audio walk through the Village led by Lily Liu
Rewat Panpipat (Poet); Ora Chacorn (Editor)
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