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Seit 2012 ist der Open Call ein fester Bestandteil der Programme von Datscha Radio. Mehr als 200 Künstlerinnen und Künstler haben seither unsere verschiedenen Radiolandschaften in verschiedenen Ländern und zu verschiedenen Themen bereichert und erweitert.

Vor Ort zu sein und mit den Einheimischen zu kommunizieren, hat uns den Luxus beschert, Klang- und Radiokunst einigen Menschen vorzustellen, für die dieser Bereich völlig neu war. Viele der Zuhörer, mit denen wir sprachen, waren überrascht, verzaubert, verblüfft. Einige von ihnen sagten: „Ich wusste nicht, dass das Musik ist“ :) Wir bestätigten, dass es das war… und mehr als das!

Im Zusammenhang mit unserem Beitrag “Air on Air” auf der Art Ii Biennale freuen wir uns, eine Wiederholung der “luftigen” Werke aller Künstler*innen vom 6. bis 9. Juli 2022 anzukündigen.

Vier Tage lang könnt Ihr also nun die klangvollen Brise von “Air on Air” einatmen. Die Reihenfolge der Tracks ist regelmäßig/unregelmäßig; Kapitel werden zusammengehalten. Sendezeit ist 0:00 bis 0:00 Uhr MEZ.

6. Juli:

  • Jussi Alaraasakka: Airborne Layers (played once at the beginning) 20:40
  • Miia Hiltunen (extra guest): Little Star: 1:12
  • Kazuya Ishigami: Gods rhyzm of Kehi-Jingu Shrine and Wakesa bay 5:50
  • Tzu Huan Lin & Campbell Watson: How’s the Weather ep1-4:
    Bad Weather in Puerto Rico 25:40
    Human Social Interaction 25:40
    Evolution 14:22
    Utopia 25:40
  • Elisabeth Shores: On The Inhale 0:33
  • Martin Virgili: Campana – Acantilado (10 Chapters) 1:20:00
  • Stuart Mellor: Turbine 4:44

7. Juli:

  • Castelló_Domínguez Rangel_Moreno Vera Somón Medina: Of Breath and Sound 1:28
  • Charlotte Law: hAir 2:30
  • Ian Joyce: Blow Out for Air on Air
  • Isto_Rahkila: Diffuser 5:34
  • Joan Schuman: Shimmer & Loop 12:46
  • Juho Rahikka: Soundscape (for Datscha Radio) 4:45
  • La Claud: Ondes 6:20
  • Lukas Noren: Orgelwind 3:41
  • Richard Zeiss: It’s a beautiful rain 7:36 
  • Sol Rezza, Franco Falistoco: Yeast DNA 30:00
  • Stephen Shiell: Vojak 16:54
  • The Square Root of Negative Two: Vapor I 15:24
  • Tiger Stangl: Oxygene / Sauerstoff 15:52

8. Juli:

  • Chelidon Frame: Flatline Voyages 1:02:52
  • Dirk Hülstrunk: Chennai Air Condition 4:42
  • Gabriele_de Seta: Air, Membranes 11:25
  • Joana Jardim & Filipe Miranda: WRP 2:28
  • Jaakko Autio: _Love_Is_In_The_Air 7:00
  • Eva Sjuve: MetopiaDeepSignal 4:38
  • George Ridgway: pedagogy of the knot 50:41

9. Juli:

  • Lauren Wong: (Don’t) take my breath away 4:03
  • Wilfried Hanrath: Something in the Air (and in-between)
  • NKvdK (Nieuwe Klanken van de Keizer – The Emperor’s New Sounds): Planktone (once played only, from 0:00) 5:00
  • Paint the Sky: Conceptual Artists 1:51
  • Hagai Itzenberg:  Involuntarily 7:10
  • Kate Donovan: The Dream will watch over it 10:29
  • Dirk Huelstrunk:  Chennai Aircondition Traffic Jam 6:07
  • Sebastian Pafundo: Gûlgaltâ = Calvariae = Calvario 8:00
  • Dirk Huelstrunk: Poem for Air 1:56
  • Peter Courtemanche + Anna Friz: Mechanical Velocities 37:06

Last but not least: Die Anfrage für diese Wiederholung hat Datscha Radio viele positive Rückmeldungen beschert. Wir erlauben uns, aus zweien zu zitieren und behaupten: Die Ehre gebührt Euch! Danke an alle!!!

Hello dear Gabi and Tina!
The idea of rebroadcasting the nightlopps is really cool! I would love to hear my play and the work of other colleagues! No objection.
Once again, congratulations for the beautiful project "Air on Air", in Ii -- I followed the posts during the Bienal with great interest (photos and texts). Long live Datscha Radio, a blue flower in the radiophonic garden. 
Many greetings! How's the Weather? Thank you for getting us back! We are thrilled to receive such feedback from your community. These are the best gifts for us to move forward on our creative path. It is our honor to be part of the program and looking forward to listen it on the air! 

Weiterhin: Die eigentlichen Shows und fehlende Blogeinträge werden in den nächsten Wochen nachgereicht, bleibt dran!

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Dear radio friends, please bear with us: We need a bit more time to fill you in on this eventful Friday morning/midday midsommer show.

Tomorrow will be our last day in Ii, so of course we’d be happy to share it with you!

Datscha Radio’s program is also broadcast by [open radio] on https://openradio.in. Many thanks to Sophea Lerner.
[open radio] supports independly produced open-content audio streams.

From 0:00 (Berlin time) radio artist Marold Langer-Philippsen will resume Datscha Radio’s stream and you can listen to his show Hörmaschine, live from Berlin.

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by Tina-Marie Friedrich

Früh am Morgen war der Himmel wolkenbehangen. Um zehn Uhr klarte es auf und die Sonne kam heraus. Sie scheint noch immer.

Joana Cortes „from the air around you“ spricht von der Gemeinschaft der Mikroben. Sie experimentiert seit sechs Jahren mit der Herstellung von Sauerteig: Wasser, Mehl und Mikroorganismen, die in der Luft, an unseren Händen und überall sind. Damit sie sich wohl fühlen, müssen sie gefüttert und gepflegt werden. Sie nähren sich auch gegenseitig mit ihren Exkrementen. Das Brot, das wir bei der Eröffnung probieren konnten, war aus einem seit zehn Tagen gereiften Teig und sehr lecker. Joana kommt von der Philosophie, hat die Mikroben ihres Sauerteigs zusammen mit Chemikerinnen untersucht und ein Ergebnis wird jetzt hier im Kunstkontext gezeigt.

Das Kilottaa Collectiv hat große Vorhänge in die Bäume gehängt, um „transzendente Botschaften“ aus der Luft zu fischen. Mia Mäkinen erzählt, dass beim Aufbau die Birke Zweige auf sie warf. Sie fragte den Baum, ob er die Kunst nicht möge. Später wurde ihr klar, dass der Baum sie vielleicht gewarnt hatte. Denn der Wind wurde so stark, dass sie die Stoffe kurz danach zusammenrollen mussten, um sie zu schützen. Wenn Elsa Häkkinen alleine arbeitet, stickt sie im Kreuzstich „Activity Signs“. Als Beispiel zeigt sie uns eine pinke Vulva mit gelben Sonnenstrahlen. Sie möchte nicht, das Geschlecht nur binär gedacht wird.

Filips Stanislavskis „Human-Cloud-Project” Über seine Auseinandersetzung mit Geo-Engineering kam Filips auf die Idee eine eigene Maschine zu bauen, die aus der Flüssigkeit von gesammeltem Atem von Menschen Wolken produziert. Selbst Tausende seiner Wolkenmaschinen würden das Klima in keiner Weise beeinflussen, denn unser Atem gelangt von selbst in die Atmosphäre. Wir sind Teil eines sehr komplexen Systems.

Inari Virmakoskis Arbeit heißt „Climate Nets“ aka “Air Nets“ Das Material für ihre Arbeit, Gaze, hat sie in Tansania schätzen gelernt. Es schützte sie vor Mücken und Ähnlichem und sie sah wie wunderbar leicht es sich im Wind bewegte. Sie lebte dort mit Blick auf den Kilimandscharo, der ihr jeden Morgen das Wetter zeigte: Mal war er klar zu sehen, mal von Wolken verhangen. Während ihres Lebens in der Wüste wusch sie sich mit Sand, dankbar für die Mitmenschen, die ihr mit ihrer Erfahrung das Überlebeneben in der Wüste ermöglichten.

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8 degrees, rain, wind gusts at 37 km/h: A perfect day to make radio outside next to a river and a pine tree! The air… was… wet!

Scheduled for today at 12 was the “Air Nets” performance by the artist Inari Virmakoski at the Jakkukylä suspension bridge some 5 km away.  We decided to split up: Ms Schaffner would stay at the station, watching the weather and tending guests and sound art works; Ms Friedrich would go, see the performance and report via telephone into the radio mic.

Radio guest of the day was Kai, who punctually appeared at 11:30. Offering him a glass of cold water seemed somehow superfluous, and we started our talk with a pronunciation exercise of his surname: LATVALEHTO. (I remember him telling me a much much longer version of this one which I looked up from the internet.) Kai Latvalehto knows the region well, having moved  over from Sweden to the region of Ii at the age of 13.

We talked about the weather, climate change (“Black Christmas” even in the North in 7 out of 10 years) and his work as a project manager of the Kripa-project/Northern AiR.

The Kripa project aims to create permanent supporting structures for the field and to increase the international competence for the local cultural actors in Ostrobotnia. It is a part of the Rural Development Programme for Mainland Finland, funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development. Currently there exist six residency location, namely in Ii, Kuusamo, Hailuoto, Raahe, Oulu and Kärsämäki.

I asked for the website, and here it is: https://www.northernair.fi/en/

Shortly after he left, the phone rang. There was Tina reporting about the preparations of Inari’s performance: constant drizzle of rain, people with umbrellas in various colors, the curators shepherding the artloving crowd of ca. 30 people, a bridge spanning the river, a camera team on location… and amidth it, dressed in a shining yellow rain coat, the most wonderful looking artist, holding a mass of white material in her arms.

From the bridge itself “Air Nets” were dangling down and dancing in the rain gusts… just like giant “Jelly fish”, Tina reported.

The connection broke and kept on breaking during the telephone transmission. In between, the following works from the open call were presented:

  • Joan Schumann: Shimmer & Loop
  • The Square Root of Negative Two: Vapor
  • Sebastian Pafundo: Gûlgaltâ = Calvariae = Calvario.
  • Richard Zeiss: It’s a beautiful rain
    And the first episode of
  • TzuHuan_Lin_How’s the Weather ep1-4: Bad Weather in Puerto Rico

By the time Ms Friedrich reappeared from the expedition, I was thoroughly frozen over. And she too. The station was packed into the box, the ‘air of Ii’ microphones activated and off we went in search for some hot hot hot cups of tea at the Kulturikauppila.

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Due to cable rearrangements, the ‘air stream’ set-up in the birdhouse (masterly put together by Ii Art technical assistant Timo) now runs only on batteries. Depending on temperatures and weather these tend to die at some point during the night.

A great occasion to create a “Night Loop” consisting of a (re)broadcast of the ‘Air on Air’ sound art contributions and also a fit way to present longer works.

The NightLoops will start from approximately 1 pm (=death of batteries) and will play until 11 am.

We also have the pleasure to say that from the 17th on, our program will be by [Open Radio]: https://openradio.in

Nightloop I: 16th

  • Elisabeth Shores: On The Inhale 0:33
  • Stuart Mellor: Turbine 4:44
  • Kazuya Ishigami: Gods rhyzm of Kehi-Jingu Shrine and Wakesa bay 5:50
  • Martin Virgili: Campana – Acantilado (10 Chapters) 1:20:00
  • Joan Schumann: Shimmer & Loop 12:46
  • The Square Root of Negative Two: Vapor 15:24
  • Sebastian Pafundo: Gûlgaltâ = Calvariae = Calvario 8:00
  • Richard Zeiss: It’s a beautiful rain 7:36
  • Tzu Huan Lin & Campbell Watson: How’s the Weather ep1-4:
    Bad Weather in Puerto Rico 25:40
    Human Social Interaction 25:40
    Evolution 14:22
    Utopia 25:40

Guests on Friday, 17th of June 11am -1pm

  • Joana Quiroga: Ferment: From the Air Around You
  • Filips Stanislavskis: Human-Cloud Project
  • Kilottaa (Elsa Häkkinen, Miia Mäkinen, Sannu Vaarala): Transcendent Messages

Nightloop 2, 18th

  • Charlotte Law: hAir
  • Castelló_Domínguez Rangel_Moreno Vera_Somón Medina: Of Breath and Sound
  • Tiger Stangl: Oxygene / Sauerstoff
  • Isto_Rahkila_Diffuser
  • Ian Joyce: Blow Out for Air on Air
  • Juho_Rahikka: Soundscape (for Datscha Radio)
  • Lukas Noren: Orgelwind
  • Sol Rezza, Franco Falistoco: Yeast DNA

From the 16th (due to a tech failure In streaming) for some time:

  • Joan Schuman: Shimmer & Loop
  • Stuart Mellor: Turbine
  • The Square Root of Negative Two: Vapor
  • Elizabeth Shores: On the Inhale
    TzuHuan_Lin: How’s the Weather ep1-4
  • La Claud: Ondes
  • Martin Virgilio: Campana Acantilado
  • Neu:
    + Stephen Shiell: Vojak

Nightloop 3, 19th

  • Chelidon Frame: a_certain_sense_of_loss + Flatline Voyages
  • Dirk Hülstrunk: Chennai Air Condition
  • Gabriele_de Seta: Air, Membranes
  • Joana Jardim & Filipe Miranda: WRP
  • Jaakko Autio: _Love_Is_In_The_Air
  • Kate Donovan: The Dream will watch over it
  • Eva Sjuve: MetopiaDeepSignal
  • George Ridgway: pedagogy of the knot

Sunday: Last Show

  • Paint the Sky: Conceptual Artists
  • Hagai Itzenberg:  Involuntarily
  • Sebastian Pafundo: Gûlgaltâ = Calvariae = Calvario
  • Dirk Huelstrunk: Poem for Air
  • + Peter Courtemanche: Mechanical Velocities

only until 0:00

The above plus:

  • Lauren Wong: (Don’t) take my breath away
  • Wilfried Hanrath: Something in the Air (and in-between)
  • NKvdK (Nieuwe Klanken van de Keizer – The Emperor’s New Sounds): Planktone

Datscha Radio Ii would like to thank ALL participating artists!!!!!

Stay tuned: There’s more to the night!

—> Streaming right after midnight, the radio artist Marold Langer-Philippsen will start on “Hörmaschine”. Both on datscharadio.de and [open radio] Read More

The weather forecast had shown a rain warning, yet the day started with bright sunshine and  stayed like this during our very first broadcast at 11 am at the Lähti park in Ii.

Our scheduled guests for this transmission were the curators of the art Ii Biennal, but! Propped up in the birdhouse our air on air mics picked up a different sound (different from the rustling wind in the pine trees, birches and the grass and the river): a song!

Along the pathways of the park a girl in a wheelchair and a social worker approached us speedily. As it turned out, Miia loves to sing. And she loves radio music, concerts and more singing.

The artist’s park of Ii is situated close the towns municipal center. There is the hospital, pharmacy, job center, retirement home and a support center for people with special abilities.

Later that morning we were joined by another radio-hunry group (we still had not started on our show), Paula, Jonas, Susanna, Timo, Sanna and Sirpa. Sirpa too proved to be a lovely singer. We chatted on about singing and our forthcoming program and the Art Biennal.

Of course, the radio day had then just started. You will read more about it in due time. This is it for now.

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Datscha Radio Schedule Up-Date
Finnish Time (GMT+3)

Hello, our time here has been very exciting so far: Pine tree juice dripping on our birdhouse cables, a visit to the local pub, tech mysteries, inspiring encounters with our fellow artists… most of which you will meet in the course of our shows.

The original plan of broadcasts has been changed to the following times:

Wed. 15th of June      2-3 pm Opening
OC Artists today: Elizabeth Shores, Stuart Mellor, Martin Virgili, Kazuya Ishigami, (after the show:) Jussi Alaraasakka

Thu. 16th of June        11 am – 1 pm
Expedition performance by the artist INARI. Reported live from the event via Tina on the telephone.
Playing: The Square Root of Negative Two: Vapour
Later on with possible changes:
Joan Schumann: Shimmer Loop

Sebastian Pafundo: Gûlgaltâ = Calvariae = Calvario (will be played again during our broadcasts
Now playing: 12:50 – the return of Tina: TzuHuan_Lin_How’s the Weather ep1-4

Fri. 15th of June          11 am- 1 pm

Sat. 15th of June         11 am- 1 pm + Radio Picnic 2 pm – 3:30 pm

Sun. 15th of June        11 am- 1 pm

Updates will follow within the next 12 hours, stay tuned :)

Datscha Radio Ii is realised with the kind support of the Goethe Institut Munich
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Blue and translucent as the air in Ii the violets bloom in the meadows: Yes, it is still late spring here. And just as translucent and glittering are the 28+ compositions Datscha Radio received from all corners of the world as contributions to our “Air ‘in Air’ program, broadcast between the 15th and the 19th of June.

Pieces shorter than one can hold one’s breath and pieces with enough oxygene to survive a trip into space. There are ventilators, flutes, noses in marriage with microphones, extensive compositions, ‘ear plays’, airy choirs and every now and then a musical evaporation  of voices into the hues and blues.

Datscha Radio is very much looking forward to present the following international artists (here in alphabetical order):

  • Castelló_Domínguez Rangel_Moreno
  • Cenk Bekdemir
  • Charlotte Law
  • Chelidon Frame
  • Dirk Hülstrunk
  • Elisabeth Shores
  • Eva Sjuve
  • Gabriele de Seta
  • Hagai Itzenberg
  • Hans Castrup
  • Ian Joyce
  • Isto Rahkila
  • Jaakko Autio
  • Joana Jardim & Filipe Miranda
  • La Claud
  • Lauren Wong
  • Lucas Norer
  • Martin Virgili
  • Peter Courtemanche
  • Roberto_D’Ugo
  • Sebastian Pafundo
  • Sol Rezza, Franco Falistoko
  • Stephen Shiell
  • Steve Transcoder
  • Stuart_Mellor
  • The Square Root of Negative Two
  • Tiger Stangl
  • Tzu Huan Lin & Campbell Watson
  • Voice Changer
  • Wilfried Hanrath

We are delighted to welcome you to “Air ‘on Air’! Thank you for sending us your works!

Due to the extraordinary varying time span of the different works we are still in the process of deciding how to implement them into the running schedule. State of things currently:

Pieces up to ca. 15-20 minutes will be presented in our shows. Longer works will be grouped into ‘Special Hours’ and broadcast either before and after those, with due credits given after respectively before.

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