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Tag "DatschaDiary"

Das Wintergarten-Studio





It is true: Cable laying was adventurous, tidying up was hard work. But it was worthwhile: We are online, got an up-stream and the Datscha is – thanks to amazing Ms. Puschel – cleaned. A tent has been put up and the cold punch brew is well underway. In the meantime, Augustin is catching more mice.



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Reboot.fm Started Gardening

A row of sunny days… Plums and first apples got harvested by Pit Schultz and turned into pies and apple puree by myself and  tomatoes were picked by  Diana McCarty. Heath Bunting excelled in lightening the  fire, Tanja Ostojic collected sage leaves, her son Leonard meanwhile playing with smoking sticks. We had steaks and  sausages and talked about arts, radio and flowers.







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Literary speaking and singing

31st of July.  Our guests in the studio of reboot.fm, “Haus der Kulturen der Welt”, Berlin: Authors Ulrike Stöhring and Matthias Scheliga. Outside it is hot, and we are reading texts: About stuttering gardeners, the mint family, mushrooms, paradise – and 10 pages on the garden philosophy of Epicurus. Brilliantly spoken by Matthias Scheliga.

Ms Stoehring sang for us her favourite childhood garden song:

Jannek hatt' einen Garten


Pictures show Ms. Schaffner with the authors. Production: Pit Schultz


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