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Tag "Christine Nienhold"
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Here comes a sneak preview of our program.
Each broadcast is additionally structured by some fixed features in the program, like the daily garden talk over the phone, the slightly crazy ‘arbor maze expedition’ with DJ Shlucht and Geranium blonde, or the “listening after nature” with field recordings from gardens around the world.

Of course, all details are subject to change – even a radio garden cannot be planned in a week.

Day 1 Shacks und Palaces (3.8.2023) 

Datscha Radio will be introduced to arbors and palaces, which have a good hundred years of tradition in Altenburg. But who owns the parks and gardens today? Who lives in them? And why? Datscha Radio asks how much community an allotment garden can take, which weeds can be put on the plate and listens to the wind in the willows…

Guest: Dana Weber

Day 2 ‘Headlights’ and Ears (4.8.2023) 

In hunter’s language, lights mean the eyes of the deer… which in turn also has very beautiful erectable eavesdroppers. We concentrate on the visual, art in nature, nature as art.

We accompany the forester Mr. Paritzsch through the Leina forest and let him explain what we can learn from the forest and ask: Can we also learn something by just listening to the forest?

A text and sound collage then takes us to Dresden to the allotment garden association “Flora 1”. Sonya Schönberger talked to people whose paths cross in the allotment garden about their memories and future prospects and created a feature from this, with Norbert Lang contributing the sounds.

Guest: Viktoria Scholz

Day 3 Skies and Flies (5.8.2023) 

Datscha Radio visits a star observant garden in Altenburg and asks which plants are addicted to the moon and how much light a garden can actually take? Do flowers change their shape in starlight?

Reichlich Wissen über Insekten bringt auch Christiane Nienhold mit, die sich als Eine-Neue-Welt-Pflanzerin für neue Strukturen und für eine naturverbundene Welt mit Hilfe des Gärtnerns einsetzt.

Guests: Frank Vohla, Christiane Nienhold

Day 4 On-Lookers and Birds of Passage (6.8.2023) 

Proper German allotment gardens are not allowed to erect fences higher than 1.20 meters. In this way, they separate plots from each other, but also allow for coexistence. Allotment gardeners may have their own individual plots, but they share the same listening space. Datscha Radio about borders and boundaries and about the communal and social traits of gardening.

Guests from ukraine gardening in Altenburg. Translator Harry Huttenlocher, Maren Troschke

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