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A Radio Garden in Gyumri

Hooray, it’s decided: Datscha Radio will broadcast from the garden of the State Academy of Fine Arts in Gyumi! If the weather is bad, there is also the option of broadcasting from the neighbouring metal workshop, but sunshine is more likely.
As graceful and tidy as this future broadcasting location presents itself: It wasn’t always like this. Until two years ago, there were several containers here that provided a temporary home for the victims of the 1988 earthquake.

Time: 12-15 h (CET); 14-17 h Armenia
Location: Garden of the State Academy of Fine Arts in Armenia
FM frequency (narrow-cast): 90.6 MHz
Co-Transmissions: Radio Antenna (Yerevan + Tbilisi); NN

Datscha Radio’s heartfelt thanks go to the director of the Academy, Vahagn Ghukasyan and Momik Vardanyan from Art Basis for this generously offered location!

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