At the Jardin de Recherches Musicales, September 2

Photo: JRM
We have just sent them to Paris: digital parcels of earth tones, bird calls, water trumpets and music for snails: on September 2, Datscha Radio will be part of the program of the JRM – the Jardin de Recherches Musicales, an annual micro-FM festival in Paris, organized by Dinah Bird and Jean-Philippe Renoult. An afternoon of sun, sound experiments, field recordings and performances on the disused small train line that runs through all of Paris …
And in Berlin?
Our archives are still broadcast … for another 11 days. Time for a stroll down to Schlegelstraße 6 and a good opportunity hang out and listen. Our loop lasts 9 hours and 36 minutes, which is the average number of night hours between the opening date of the show to the end of RAUMOHNERAUM #3 .
The gallery is open:
Do – So, 2 – 7 pm
Still available:
Last jars of our Mole Jam
and copies of the 2017 Datscha Radio catalogue!

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