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Eva Kurly and Oscar Dominguez at the Hospital de Plantas

(Übersetzung folgt) It’s less than a 20 minutes drive into the western part of Madrid and we reach the community of Pozuelo, famous for its singular „Hospital de Plantas“. As we get out of the car, the air feels different. Humid, a bit „foresty“ with a tinge of swamp. The rain falls softly on my face and onto Eva’s umbrella as we make our way to the entrance of Aula de Educación Ambiental (Húmera).

Eva Kurly had worked here for three years and arranged the interview.

Main office

The area is huge. We walk past greenhouses, wooden office buildings, plots and raised beds, and a geodetic dome used as a surround cinema. One of the educational directives of this place is the fostering of sustainable energies and waste upcycling. We pass a dew collector, solar panels (one in the shape of a giant sunflower, that alines its movement with the course of the sun) and a solar oven.

Smart solar energy plant

The fences hold plastic bottles cut out to hold plants of all sorts… due to the season most of them are „wild herbs“. Again much of the work invested into the huertos is done by volunteers and/or within the frame of education classes organized by the municipality.

The Hospital de Plantas is run by Oscar Domínguez, a biologist who teaches about plants and plant deceases at the university. There are regular opening hours once a week at Wednesday 10-2, when the citizens can come and bring their sick plants. A cupboard holds a microscope and various instruments to examine the patients and decide on the treatment.

Patients get a label

Once hospitalized, the length of stay  depends on the recovery process. For some plants, this can take up to a year, like in the case of a leafless, shriveled bonsai. Oscar put another case on the „Mesa de tratamiento“, a deplorable looking orchid in possession of none but one (broken) areal root. He points at some knobs in the centre of the plant. There is still hope, he says.

A classical patient

A snails sails across the table. It will be put out into the open

With such a long stay, I ask, how often does it happen that the owners won’t fetch their plants back?
Often, Oscar says. People just give up too easily. They are not used to care for plants in a sincere way.
Yet, if a person cannot take care of a plant, this shows that this person is also neglecting his or her own personality, or at least part of it.

Hospital watering can

Our conversation, facilitated by Eva’s translation, consequently drifts to the psychological impacts of plant ownership and care. Older people for example would often prefer plants that are easy to care for and grow rather slowly while young people love quick growth and plants that produce an abundance of colors both in leaves and flowers.

– The interview is presently in the process of editing and will be online in due time –


Oscar Dominguez, Hospital de Plantas

A second branch of Señor Dominguez’ research work is the construction of vertical gardens and the exploration of their micro climates. The one shown here is wainscoted with felt and allows a natural circulation of water, light and microorganisms within the unit.

We leave the „Classroom of Environmental Education“ of Pozuelo for a little walk in the nearby Casa De Campo. Once a hunting ground for the royals it is now Madrid’s biggest park covering more than 1,750 hectares. (I leave the touristic details aside here). There is anthother hospital in the vicinity: A hospital for night birds. There is not much hope to meet somebody there. Eva tells me she’s tried already several times. We are more than surprised that the door actually opens…
Yet, cheered too soon: No, no es possible! The staff is just at lunch and the birds are sleeping and must not be disturbed.


Stork’ nest Casa de Campo

Very wide awake instead are the storks that keep flying almost around our heads. Bundles of twigs hang from their beaks and indeed, Eva points out to a huge nest in the top of a nearby tree.
Two other features of the Casa des Campo: Swarms of green parrots that also nest here and pose (as in many other cities – also in Germany – ) a treat to the native birds, especially the common sparrow (which grows less and less common). Second, hoards of ghostly shaped trees, with hollow trunks and often reaching into the air with one last twisted branch. We put the recorder for the bird sounds into the fork of one branch and walk around… there is this „silky grey“ filter on my camera I try out.

Nest of the “evil” green Parrot

Ghost movie trees

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(Übersetzung folgt) Another quick diary of these days in the wonderland of Datscha Radio preparations. You’ll find an introduction of the (steadily growing) team here.

12. March

9:00 Coffee & mails. Agreement to meet Señora Bellet of the Botanic Garden to talk about its history and activities.

10:45 Printing out flyers and posters for the „Adopta-una-Planta“ event.

Flyer für diesen Samstag, 17. März

12:45 Leaving the building I run into kta and Joaquien who are on their way to one of the labs to set up a plant&soil sensory system.

13:00 A cat guards the security entrance of the garden. I gain admittance… a consistent minor problem: The guard needs my social security number to fill in the admittance form. The usual solution: present my visa card. By now the guards know me quite well, while the sequence of my multiple visits and mailings has made me think of the Botanic Garden offices as a kafkaesque „castle“.

On entering the offices i notice that the amanita has changed place.


Señora Maria Pellet receives me in her office. She’s very friendly and even speaks German. But we agree to do the interview in English. Afterward we go to the Bonsai section and take a pic.

13:15 Catching up with kta and Joaquim. A soft frequency hum permeates the air, there are plants, an arduino, micro sensors measuring the moisture in the pots, a dead deco cabbage plant, a very healthy looking aloe and a pot of the „bad mother plant“. We agree that „Grünlilie“ (German common name) is a nice word for it. Interview.

16:30 Editing the interview (too big to upload here, you’ll find it soon in the archive)

17:30 Meeting Jesús in the offices to discuss how to program an info video onto the wall of the Medialab. He’s just taking his exams… parallel to all the work with Medialab and Datscha Radio!

18:00 Datscha Radio artist’s meeting at the cantina. Romi Casile has finally arrived from Argentina. Although she has to leave already on the 16th, she likes to participate. Apart from working with sound objects, her grandmother knows how to sing songs about flowers and gardens. This is interesting!

18:45 The beer is a bit too expensive for a longer stay so we move upstairs to my „living room“. Maite, coordinator of IN-SONORA comes. Alberto and kta work on the translation of the jingle text into Spanish while I do a quick talk with Romi in my room.

19:15 We have a lot of fun speaking the jingle text. The artists and Maite talk me into recording it in Spanish. They say it sounds charming (but maybe it is just funny?)

We have an exchange about listening practices, art and society, the role of artists, money issues in artist lives and again about the importance of listening.
The most inspiring evening closes with a sip of duty free whiskey.

Rough editing of the recordings. Playing with some acoustic sketches :)

23:30 Relaxing with another rose plant website…

13. March

10:00 (!) Meeting up with Alberto as a translator to visit the „House of Honey“ in the Atocha street. Interview. Pedro warms up to our questions and in the end we get shown even the store rooms, the honey „mixing machine“ (of course it is not mixed but pure), and finally, as the talk turns to plants, the flowers and trees, Pedro himself rescues from offshoots or leaves falling „from the sky“ —

More of this in the next blog entry…

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Atomic gardens, plant radio, argentinian flower songs: we are preparing for the Esta Es Una Plaza on the 23rd!: Alberto, kta, Maite e Romi.

(Übersetzung folgt) For more than two weeks we have met, talked, spent time with each other, exchanged ideas, mails and sounds. I am happy, grateful and proud to say that Datscha Radio Madrid is making fast progress on all levels! I’d like to introduce the artists of the team and “the plan” here; the jingle is on it’s way too:)

Gabi Schaffner
Sound and Radio artist. Artistic director Datscha Radio www.datscharadio.de; www.rawaudio.de

Alberto García Aznar
Alberto develops his individual artistic work in the fields of sound art, fanzine, artist’s books and performance. Contributing artist in numerous collectives and events: Proyecto Equipo, Rayos Uva collective, Grupal Crew Collective, Indisciplinadas, SomosNosotros… He also works as sound technician at Radio Círculo (Círculo de Bellas Artes de Madrid).


Anna Katarina Martin
Conceptual artist. Works with: sound/video/instalation/performance/interactive and so on.  Together with artist and programmer Joaquin Diaz she’ll compose a Sensory Plant Communication Soundscape for our upcoming garden radio event.

Eva Pilarte aka Eva Kurly
International performer;  gardener and environmental monitor; different colaborations in radio stations; component of experimental music duo ¨ el atico de los sueños¨, Pamito guitars endosers


External Contributors:

Mahlet Ogbe Habte 
Sound installation and video artist. Born in Eritrea, she lives and works in Norway.  Among other places, she has exhibited at Heimat, Museo Revoltella, Trieste Italy, World Expo Japan Tokyo, and Bergen Group Exhibition at USF verftet. Additionally, she is a professional chef.


Romina Casile
Artist from Argentinia, works with sound objects and field recordings.

Coordination: Jesús Jara, Maite Camacho

Location: Esta Es Una Plaza, Calle Doctor Fourquet 24, Madrid


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(Übersetzung folgt) Here’s a very quick update on what is happening in Madrid with Datscha Radio – and an diary of how I spent my day so far.

Call from Carolina from Radio Hortelana to say that we meet in a different place at 10:45. I’m at my first coffee and not fully awake. Writing quick mail to the collaborating artists (which will be introduced here asap) about next plans, ideas & meeting.

Walking very fast up to the Casa Endencida to meet Elena and Caroline from Radio Hortelana. Introductions, coffee, explaining Datscha Radio Madrid.

The plan: Setting up the radio station in the urban garden of Esta es Una Plaza. Date: Friday 23rd of March. Before that: Adopt-a-Office on the 17th in the yard of MediaLab, little performance by myself, conversations about plants that seek a new home.
Question: Is there electricity in the garden?

I am very happy that Radio Hortelana (who did a garden broadcast at Esta es Una Plaza some years ago!) will help with the project! We agree that I send a resume of all facts to Elena, Caroline and the Insonora network tonight.

Introduction to Daniel Sigler, who had been sitting next to us reading El Pais, a friend of both, a gardener, keeper of the garden “Cabaña de Retiro”. He loves the idea.

We all go to Esta es Una Plaza to find out about electricity.

Caroline Carrubba (Radio Hortelana), Luis Elorriaga (Esta es Una Plaza), Elena Arroyo (Radio Hortelana) and Daniel Sigler (La Cabaña de Retiro)!

Caroline Carrubba (Radio Hortelana), Luis Elorriaga (Esta es Una Plaza), Elena Arroyo (Radio Hortelana) and Daniel Sigler (La Cabaña de Retiro)!

I get introduced to Tommi (Carolina: “He’s the best”) who would help with technical things, and to Luis who explaines that there is solar powered electricity. He shows us the transformer and the plugs in the different places in the garden. I update my Spanish vocabulary with the word grabadora (Recorder). I get introduced to more helpful people.

The home of electricity in Esta es Una Plaza!

Leaving the Plaza to go to the agricultural market in the Retiro Park. Stormy weather. I walk with Daniel who tells me about his garden project there. He also tells me about his work as a shiatsu practitioner and that he can do throat singing. I love the idea.

On reaching the Retiro I decide to switch on the grabadora, our conversation is just too interesting. There is the recorder, rain and Daniel’s umbrella. I don’t carry one for diverse reasons, but he says it’s because i am German.

We reach his „garden within the garden“ called Aula de ecología: La Cabaña del Retiro. He shows me around (gallery and more about La Cabaña in a later post). There is a hand made wooden geodetic tent with cut-outs that let the sun shine in and make pattern on the floor. It is a good place for singing, also because of its special resonant qualities.

All handmade from wood, a house for contemplation

Daniel asks me to close my eyes and starts singing. I sit on the wooden trunk in the middle of the space, listen and record. (Recording of audio walk and singing: to be broadcast on 23rd:) )

Salad needs to get picked to bring to the market. I receive a selection of healthy greens and explain the German onomatopoetics of „Pflücksalat“.

Walk to the Mercado Agroecológico en el CIEA Huerto del Retiro that takes place in another garden (section) of the Retiro: Stalls with honey, cheese, biologically brewed beers, jams and quiche. I am hungry and need to eat, try and buy specialities.



Agricultural market in El Retiro at closing time


Happy plots at the Retiro Garden

Introduction of Alberto, head of the Huerto del Retiro. Agreement to do an interview via Daniel as a translator. Saying goodbye for this time. Tasting a lovely bio Weizenbier! Taking some pics, among them the map of urban gardens in Madrid. What you see here is just a quarter of it.

Return to Medialab through rainstorms. Making a mental note to maybe take pictures of Madrid dogs that wear raincoats.

Arrival at Medialab, switching on the heater, sitting down to write this.

… so far. All dates and times mentioned will be verified very soon as exta blog posts, Facebook events and other possible channels.

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7.3.2018 Today’s excursion to the periphery of Madrid brought on a flood of images and sounds. The aim was to visit Parque Capriche while obstinately ignoring the note „closed today“ on my phone.
Leaving the metro at Capriche (instead of the advised station of Cnajallmos) I directed my steps to the close-by grove of cypresses, gravel paths leading past unkempt lawns when I eyes caught sight of a typical enclosure with a vertraut sign reading: Huerto Allameda de Osuna.
A friedly looking couple stood conversing in front of a compact rusty shed, plots aligned the paths, buckets and wheelbarrows in a corner: Clearly this was another of Madrids happy urban gardens. (A detailed entry follows.)

After leaving the huerto I continued in vague direction of the Parque Capriche sign. Julia and Floren also had asserted that this garden wouldn’t open its doors before Saturday.

The area was already park-like: strewn with cypresses, trees with an abundance of cream-coloured berries (Medlar? Mulberry?), dog walkers, blue sky, sun. To my right a wall covered in graffitis. To my left beige brick apparent houses loomed next to more beige brick apparent houses. Council houses? Condos (Hardly)?

I followed the winding display of murals in the shadow of the wall. Used paper towels, plastic bottles, packagings, decorated the lawn: urban nature par excellence. On my phone, the blue spot indicating my position kept on hovering in the pathless green, creating the surreal feeling of somehow having been shrunk to half my size with distances doubled… Maybe this was because I felt the need to visit an aseo.

More images of the wonder wall on Facebook.

The closed gate of the Parque Capriche did not offer more to see than an impressive stretch of gravel leading up to an entrance building flanked by – no surprise – platanes. The murals had ended at a motorway crossing. There was an aqueduct in sight with trains running on it. On the other side of the street a spotless white wall opened up into a patio, and a friendly restaurant sign declared this to be the „Camping Osuna“.

Una tortilla, una cerveza, un cafe, muy bien!

Parque Juan Carlos: Thank you for not being neoclassical!!! Thank you for offering a place in space under a sky that sheds its blue-and-golden light onto industrial beauties, utilitarian architectures, the most aesthetically designed Staudamm I have ever seen, Mexican monuments, olive and juniper groves, futuristic playgrounds, grand alleys with – surprise! – not absolutely symmetrically arranged shrubs/trees. Thank you for emptiness!

(Detailed entry follows.)

Best of all: The Grey Maze! Undoubtedly the home of countless happy rabbits (I saw only two -huge!- ones, but it was afternoon not evening). Parrots cut through the air, screeching, but still in a civilized manner compared to their relatives in Australia. Tiny birds twitter on twigs. Youngsters practice Kajak polo, a sport I never heard of before.
A twig of the maze hedges – unknown plant to me – wandered into my bag for further identifucation.


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¡Hola Jardineros! Machen wir einen Spaziergang mit Alberto Peralta zu “Esta es una Plaza” in Madrid, einem Gemeinschaftsgarten in der Nähe des Medialab Prado. Die Wolken hängen heute tief, die Leute kuscheln sich unter ihre Regenschirme, doch hier in der Calle Doctor Fourquet, 24, ist die Luft erfüllt von Sägegeräuschen, Gesprächen und dem Platschen der Schuhe in sandigen Pfützen.

Der Gemeinschaftsgarten “Esta es una plaza” bestand fast 40 Jahre als páramo (städtische Brache). Vor 10 Jahren beschlossen die Einheimischen, sie in einen Garten zu verwandeln. Es gab, wie Alberto mir erzählte, sogar finanzielle Unterstützung seitens der Stadt für die Gärtner, aber diese entschieden so unabhängig wie möglich zu bleiben … also ist sogar noch etwas Geld übrig. [unglaublich!!!]

Der Garten ist etwa 1000 Quadratmeter groß und umgeben von bemalten Backsteinmauern. Darin stehen neben einem halben Dutzend junger Obstbäume und sorgfältig gepflegter Beete auch mehrere in Handarbeit konstruierte Bauten für die Arbeit, Mahlzeiten und Schutz vor Wind und Regen.  Es gibt auch einen Spielplatz und sogar ein Theater in hinteren Teil des Gartens. Die Kerngemeinde zählt etwa 30 aktive Mitglieder, aber nicht alle sind Gärtner. Einige kümmern sich um Beetumfassungen und Bauten, andere meistern die Logistik oder auch die Außenküche oder beides, wenn es darum geht, die Früchte des Gartens untereinander zu teilen: Im Sommer und Herbst werden regelmäßig Mittags- und Abendessen organisiert.

Auffallend sind die Wandgemälde und Graffitis, die ebenfalls aus der Gemeinschaftspraxis dieses Gartens hervorgehen: Wer zu “Esta es una Plaza” beitragen will, tut dies, indem er seine/ihre Idee vorstellt – und bekommt dann (in den meisten Fällen) einen Zeitraum und Ort zur Verfügung gestellt um sie zu realisieren. Die Künstler*innen dürfen bis zu 6 Monate an ihrem Werk arbeiten. Die große Holztafel, die die Sechsfüßler unserer Gärten illustriert, wurde vor übrigens vor 4 Jahren von einer Biologin namens Zeeba geschaffen. Ähnlich freie Arrangements gelten für Workshops, Konzerte und Theaterstücke … und sicherlich verdanken auch einige der überall verstreuten DIY-Gartenkunstwerke ihre Existenz dieser freizügigen Praxis.

Eine Besonderheit des Orts ist der Kakteengarten, der von Antonio Alfaro entworfen wurde und seitdem liebevoll von ihm gepflegt wird. Hunderte sorgfältig angeordneter Exemplare leben hier auf drei Steinterrassen, in Gemeinschaft mit weiteren Sukkulenten und – wie ein zweiter Blick offenbart – einem “Club” unaufdringlich charmanter Artefakte … una lagartija (Eidechse) … un erizo (Igel) … und mehr. Das erstaunliche botanische Wissen, das sich in der Kakteenlandschaft zeigt, erklärt sich schnell: Antonio ist  Mitglied der “Cactófilos” oder mit anderen Worten der ASOCIACIÓN CACTUS Y SUCULENTAS DE MADRID :)


Nach mehr als 10 Jahren aktiver Gemeinschaft ist es daher kaum eine Überraschung, das auch das Radio-Kollektiv von Radio Hortelana “Esta es una Plaza” für sich entdeckte. 2014 veranstalteten sie ein Live-Radio-Event vor Ort mit Interviews, Konzerten, Vorträgen und einem Blog, der auf ihre Podcasts verlinkt ist.

Weitere Radio-Gardening-Nachrichten in den nächsten Tagen und Wochen. Definitiv bevorstehend ist dieser Open Call:
  • Ein internationales Kurzfilmfestival über Urban Gardening!
  • Humus Film Festival beginnt am 16. März 2018
  • In Madrid in “La Casa Encendida”
  • Open Call bis 5. März

Dank an Alberto für diesen Tipp!


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Liebe FreundInnen des Radio- und (spanischen!) Gärtnerns,

Hier kommt eine Einladung zum Open Call für meine anstehende Künstlerinnen-Residenz am Media Lab Prado in Madrid, beginnend im späten Februar. Dies gerne teilen oder weiterschicken und/oder selbstverständlich auch teilnehmen!

Mehr Info dazu hier: Convocatoria colaboración Datscha-Radio

Für alle diejenigen (ich eingeschlossen) die davon träumen (oder es tatsächlich tun) Spanisch zu lernen: Das Team von In-Sonora hat eine feine Untertitelung unseres Datscha Radio 17 Fernsehbeitrags kreiert…  :)
Derweil: Wir sind dabei, die Webseite neu zu strukturieren. Die Arbeit am Audioarchiv geht froh vonstatten, wir sortieren Blogeinträge und freuen uns darauf, auch noch die eine oder andere Bildergalerie anzufügen. Doch alles Gärtnern braucht seine eigene Zeit in Raum und Jahr, wir sind dabei…

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