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Der dritte Tag








Karlheinz Jeron interviewed by Verena Kuni, ca. 1 pm.: Fresh music for rotten vegetables/fruits

Incredible line-up of events today (see below)!
Apart from that there were talks about spiders, aliens and seed patents, electrified apples and walnuts, the weather changing from sun, wind and rain to wind, rain and sun, families visiting, Elvis singing, zucchini killing, apple cake and conversations about more art and music, vegetable recipes and  a children radio play. reboot.fm started with a live stream of Tetsuo Kogawa from Tokyo. For this, please view the previous post.

Late at night, internet broke down. The broadcast of the first nightloop from the series “Composer’s Nightloops”, titled “Into the forest” is therefore slightly delayed.


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Der dritte Tag

Karl Heinz Jeron im Gespräch mit Verena Kuni, ca. 13 h: Fresh music for rotten vegetables/fruits

Incredible line-up of events today (see below)!

Apart from that there were talks about spiders, aliens and seed patents, electrified apples and walnuts, the weather changing from sun, wind and rain to wind, rain and sun, families visiting, Elvis singing, zucchini killing, apple cake and conversations about more art and music, vegetable recipes and  a children radio play. reboot.fm started with a live stream of Tetsuo Kogawa from Tokyo. For this, please view the previous post.

Late at night, internet broke down. The broadcast of the first nightloop from the series “Composer’s Nightloops”, titled “Into the forest” is therefore slightly delayed.


Weiter geht es nun mit den Composer’s Nightloops

nach unserer Geisterstunde mit Verena Kuni und Pit Schultz über ein bislang verborgenes Thema.

1 h bis 9 h: Into the Forest / In den Wald hinein

Datscha-Radio dankt an dieser Stelle allen Klangkünstlern, Komponisten und (Garten)Feldforschern für ihre Beiträge! Sie sind brilliant und wir sind hocherfreut. Die Playlist im Folgenden ist ungeschönt; Arbeitstitel sind teilweise immer noch Arbeitstitel. Es wird nachkorrigiert, doch nicht zu dieser Stunde :)

Forest Gardens 54 Titel, 3 Std.




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There has been talks about the new german style in gardening, besides prairie gardening, recreating a desert hortensic culture in a middle european climate , the zen stone garden is very much “in style”. the concept of location and place in japanese culture has been philosophized by the Heidegger scholar Kitaro Nishida, i have been asked Tetsuo Kogawa to interprete his relevance for mini fm broadcasting projects such as Datscharadio, which happens in a east german garden turned into a artist run garden.

In an email conversation from 9/19/08 Tetsuo Kogawa wrote:

>>Rethinking about Nishida: Every text has possibilities to think it further, think it over the original, and even to misunderstand. As you know, Nishida’s “basho” is his notion on his metaphysics. He tried to connect his metaphysics with some ideas of Zen (especially of Taisetsu Suzuki—he is much more interesting than Nishida and also influenced John Cage) and Japanese Buddhism. But I have to say that as long as you read Nishida’s Japanese texts they are written very esoterically. This is very different from Heidegger. As Erasmus Schoefer (Die Sprache Heideggers) brilliantly argued, Heidegger’s language is ‘logical’ (in Husserl’s term it should be in “transcendental logic” not “formal logic” though). Nishida is not like this. His texts are pretentious. Also, there is a problem of Japanese language. It is totally different from German. Basically it is ambiguous. In this sense, the translation is only one interpretation of his text.

Also, you are talking about quite concrete topics of radio and the internet. Nishida certainly argues about techniques but he was totally deaf about what’s happening in the technology today. He was a man of old idealism. You could reinterpret him but for a reader who reads his texts in Japanese, every reinterpretation over the translation is misunderstanding. By the way, Haruki Murakami becomes an international novelist due to the “mistranslation”:)

Semiologically, you can use his texts freely. In fact, many new ideas derived from a kind of mistranslation from Greek texts of the philosophers.

On his political commitment to the Japanese right-wing, he had no sense of politics. Again, this is very different from Heidegger who was so cunning that he quickly gave up his commitment to the Nazi party when he realized what it was. Adorno doubts his “Kehre” but it would be true that he had a sense of politics.<<

Mistranslation might be indeed the source of many hortensic adaptions in ongoing gardening trends.

Tetsuo Kogawa is a pioneer in D.I.Y. micro fm movement, using micro fm transmitters as artistic musical instruments with his live performances and  building of radio transmitters in workshops, his open hardware circuits have been built all over the world to make analogue micro radio a form of art.

he has suggested:

>> I am now thinking that in order to keep the minimal interactivity I will pick up some of the pictures of the garden (flowers and trees) and convert  them to the sounds. These sounds will be automatically broadcast to the net  that you will use for your program.<<

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Rosengartenträume | Rose Garden Dreams

Night has fallen over the garden. The Datscha is nested in silence. The garden is sleeping. And the roses begin to dream.
Yet, our antennas are still receiving signals and we’re listening out to the frequencies drowning through the dark. Seems like there is some susurrration. Is it the long forgotten fragrance of the wild rose, mingling with all those odours that have been carried away over the day by the busy bees? Indeed, they left those of the rose garden: knowing well about the poisonous scents of the hybrids’ blossoms. Rose is a rose. But not every rose is a rose or not.
EWe are a sign, meaningless / We are painless and have almost / Forgotten speech in exile… Heavy are the dreams of roses and at the same time light. We’ll steal an hour from the night, for we want to share them.
Rose garden dreams with Hölderlin, Gertrud Stein, Chinese folk tales, Matmos and Wittgenstein.
No, we’ve never promised you a rose garden…

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Rosengartenträume | Rose Garden Dreams

Es ist Nacht geworden im Garten. Die Datscha liegt still. Der Garten schläft. Und die Rosen haben begonnen zu träumen.
Noch immer sind die Antennen auf Empfang und wir lauschen den Frequenzen, die durch die Dunkelheit zu uns dringen. Fast scheint es, als sei dort draussen ein Flüstern zu hören. Es ist der lange verloren geglaubte Duft einer wilden Rose, der sich mit jenen Düften vermischt, die über den Tag von den Bienen davongetragen worden sind. Die aus dem Rosengarten waren nicht dabei: Die Bienen wissen um das Gift, das in den Blüten der Hybriden auf sie wartet. Rose is a rose. But not every rose is a rose or not.
Ein Zeichen sind wir, deutungslos / Schmerzlos sind wir und haben fast / Die Sprache in der Fremde verloren… Die Träume der Rosen sind schwer und leicht zugleich. Eine Stunde stehlen wir der Nacht, denn eine Stunde lang wollen wir sie teilen.
Rosengartenträume mit Hölderlin, Gertrud Stein, chinesischen Märchen, Matmos und Wittgenstein.
Nein, wir haben Euch nie einen Rosengarten versprochen…

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RadioRhizomE: Pomologie | RadioRhizomE: Pomology

What links apples with art and pomology with politics? RadioRhizom:e grows its antenna to further explore this field. Together with Frankfurt based artist Jörg Spamer we’ll go for a stroll through the history of pomology, present to past to present. A box with “books about apples” turns out to be the estate of a famous pomologist. Walking his footsteps we’ll learn a lot – not only about the relations between man and malus domestica…

When? Today, Saturday August 25, 2012 from 9 pm till 10 pm on Datscha-Radio and on reboot.fm

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Otto Mötö on Air

Rasenmäher machen Krach… aber auch Musik. Die isländisch-stämmige Mathematiklehrerin Käthe Paulsdottir war eine Kollegin des legendären Motorenkomponisten Martti Mauri, um den es in diesem Hörspiel geht. Metal Machine Mowers! Hier ein winziges Stück aus ihrem Werk.

On Air: Sonntag, 19. August, HR2, 14 Uhr




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Reboot.fm: Vorbereitungen II. Die Gartenarbeit beginnt

Reboot.fm : Die Gartenarbeit beginnt

Eine Reihe warmer Tage… Die Ernte der Pflaumen und Äpfel übernahm Pit Schultz, deren Verwandlung in Kuchen und Apfelmus geschah durch mich. Diana McCarty pflückte die Tomaten. Heath Bunting besorgte das Feuer,  Tanja Ostojic sammelte Salbeiblätter und ihr Sohn Leonard spielte derweil mit rauchenden Stöckchen. Wir hatten Steaks und Würstchen und sprachen über Kunst, Radio und Blumen.







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