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Tag "Attila Fias & John Kameel Farah"

Nightloop #3: NoiseClicks&Classics


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Whoever thinks of noise as a concept unfit for “the garden”, gardening or nature, is mistaken. Wind and waves are noise. The rustling of leaves is noise. Lawnmovers, saws and hedgecutters are noise. The neigbour’s radio sounds are “noise”. Noise could be defined as sound in absence of harmonic structures. Then again. Listen closely.

But what whim took over her to combine “noisy, electronic” tracks with contemporary classical music?
This was done to create a fitting pendant, or a counterpoint possibly. “Classical music” is usually connoted with “harmonic structures” and “harmonic structures” are deemed a lot more suitable for garden music… But just as with different gardening concepts there are different concepts of contemporary classical music. Be it the use of mathematical or aleatoric principles, of sung poetry, of experimental scores (for example the drawing of a leaf serving as a musical “instruction”), even the mix with “real” field recordings, not speaking of the actual situatedness of the concert/playback… almost every new school of music (from ages on) working in a different mode, seeking different harmonies has been attacked of creating “noise” .

Now, whether it is “noise”, drones, sinus waves, just “ugly” fieldrecordings, classical compositions bordering on atonality, orchestrated chaos or a meandering along a contrapuntal walk… with NoiseClicks&Classics you may continue to rely on your curiosity.

And for the whole beauty of it, I put some nightingale songs in it, too.

Featured composers are: Suspicion Breeds Confidence, Gerald Resch, Nikolaus Gerszewski, Miquel Parera, José Manuel Garcia, Udo Noll (radio aporée), Emanuele Constantini, William Engelen, Peter Cusack (Radio aporée), Wojciech Morawski, Daniel Blinkhorn, Carver Audain, Pit Schultz, Jaques Foschia, Toni Dimitrov, Attila Fias & John Kameel Farah, Stijn Demeulenaere, RawAudio.

Playlist: Playlist_Clicks




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