Vorschau Sendung #2: 30. Januar

(Übersetzung folgt) This upcoming Wednesday, Datscha Radio will focus on issues of field recording, farming and life in the village. The sound mapping artist Wu Tsan Cheng will be my studio guest and will present a selection of some of his finest field recordings.

A trip to Yilan sprouted a talk and/or audio walk with the performance artist and gardener Yang Hauyu. And we will explore life in the village a bit further, featuring fruit wine recipes and a guided walk introducing some of the historical trees in Treasure Hill. Last but certainly one of the highlights will be a talk with the villages’s oldest inhabitant, Mr. Hu – first photo above – , who is also a passionate singer. Translations by Catherine Lee, director of Treasure Hill Village.
And we’ll close the show with a vocal bouquet of Karaoke songs, recorded on the 26th of January.
Time: 3 pm (Taipei time); 8am (Berlin time)
Date: 30th of Janurary
Location: Treasure Hill Artist Village, Studio 4-4
All of this is still in the making, so changes in the schedule might occur.
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