PROGRAM: The Gardens of Gyumri

To start with:
(Übersetzung folgt) In the picture above Annette Gloser, curator and savior of ‘lost places’, has lent her tender hands to paint our poster that we will stick tomorrow to the gate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Gyumri, where the broadcast is taking place. She has freshly arrived 5 days ago and will accompany the broadcast as a friendly co-host, welcoming and feeding the guests and helping with basically everything…
NOTE: 14-17 o’clock is ARMENIAN TIME ZONE! FOR CET tune in at 12-15 o Clock
The Programme
Datscha Radio’s programme follows the flow of events. We will start with a live talk about the Academy with Vahagn Ghukasyan. Depending on her availability, ART BASIS co-founder Mary Mikaelyan via telephone. After this the waves flow freely, though gently contained into three main themes and interspersed with works of the Open Call.
For those who are new to this kind of handmade broadcasting style: The Gardens of Gyumri are about sharing, creation and listening… and surprises. This means, there is no fixed schedule I can offer which outlines the exact time of when which work is going to be presented.

Listen on the player in the side bar (right side) OR follow the link given below it OR listen on RADIO ANTENNA (Yerevan)! The programme is live: You won’t hear anything before 2 pm, 29th of September. Listen too on 90.6 FM in the garden of the Academy! Bring your radio!
I Into the Streets and Gardens
Introduction of guests present in the garden; interviews and music with people I have met in the streets, related open call pieces, field recordings and works from the Open Call, a walk through the greenhouses of the Botanical Garden Yerevan with a fervent plant lover.
Pieces by Tchamich, Love Hospital, various short field recordings,
II The Song and Poetry Field
Introduction of live guest Ani Petrs-Bartsumian (and friends), who is the founder of the Fem_Com Choir; surprise live guest, reading of poetry by Armenian women poets in Armenian and English, open call pieces, reading of further texts translated into Armenian (Ուր էլ գնամ, արդեն այնտեղ եմ)
Pieces by Anton Smirnov, the Fem_Com Choir, diverse field recordings and snippets
III Into the Wild/Armenian
This is the radiophonic realm of Armenian plant life and improvisation, featuring a talk with the founder of My Forest Armenia, André Gumuchdjian, a talk with Alla Aleksanyan, Head of the Chair of Plant Diversity and Ecosystem Studies of the Botanic Institute, Yerevan, live phone conversation with Marold Langer-Phillipsen about “Getamej’s Hanging Gardens”, his upcoming radio event on the 4th of October, in the garden of the Getamej village, close to Yerevan.
Pieces by Joan Schuman, InHer Interior, Frontera Glaciar, DJ ShluchT, various short field recordings.
IV The NIGHTLOOP (6pm-7am CET)
From 20:00 to 9:00 on the 29th/30th of September you can listen to Gyumri Garden’s Nightloop. It contains, next to the works of the composers mentioned above, longer works by those composers whose works cover a longer stretches of time… ideal for a nightly rewilding of your dreams.
Featuring (a.e.): Calathea experiments (María Cristina Kasem); a talk with Ani Bayburdyanan, Deputy Director of the Botanic Garden about their Educational Programs for Children; Abican (Das Wasser ist niemals einsam), DJ Shlucht (extended version) and still more various field recording snippets and jingles.
Special thanks to Ani Petrs-Bartsumian and Mary Mikaelyan for their translation support and to Maria and Christina of the Art Academy for their joyful support in speaking one of the Gyumri radio jingles!
This post is also available in: Englisch