Radiogarten in Gyumri, 29.9.

Zeit, Ort und lokale Frequenz
Hurra, es ist entschieden:
Datscha Radio wird aus dem Garten der Staatlichen Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Gyumi senden!
Bei schlechtem Wetter auch wahlweise aus der benachbarten Metallwerkstatt, doch Sonnenschein ist wahrscheinlicher.
So anmutig und aufgeräumt dieser künftige Sendeort nun aussieht: Es war nicht immer so. Bis vor zwei Jahren standen hier noch mehrere Wohncontainer, die den Opfern des Erdbebens von 1988 eine provisorische Heimat boten.
Datum: Sonntag, 29. September 2024
Zeit: 12-15 Uhr (CET); 14-17 Uhr Armenien
Ort: Garten der Staatlichen Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Armenien
UKW-Frequenz (Narrow-cast): 90,6 MHz
Sendeübernahmen: Radio Antenna (Yerevan + Tiflis), NN
Datscha Radio’s herzlicher Dank gilt dem Direktor der Akademie, Vahagn Ghukasyan und Momik Vardanyan von Art Basis für diese glückliche Ortsfindung!
Über die Akademie, zitiert aus: Artspace 22/01. Art and Education:
"In 1997, in the first academic year of the opening of the academy, there were only 3 specialties of fine arts, one chair and 9 students. There are currently 7 professions in the branch. Students can earn a bachelor's or master's degree in painting, graphics, sculpture, clothing modeling, decorative applied arts, design, art history, and theory. During its 25 years of operation, the Gyumri branch has had more than 2,000 graduates, many of whom are world-renowned artists, teaching, both in Armenia and abroad, working, holding senior positions, managing cultural institutions, foundations, museums, etc. Many of our graduates have started their own businesses - clothing studios, boutiques, decorative metal companies, design houses, Armenian eyewear brands, etc. One of the most important achievements of the Gyumri branch of the SAFA in recent years is its truly professional teaching staff. During these years, thanks to the efforts of the staff of the branch, the academy has been gradually replenished with modern laboratories of clothing modeling, decorative applied arts, non-ferrous metals, graphic printing and design. It is noteworthy that the Gyumri branch is the only university in the whole Transcaucasia where there is a forge, where students also learn the art of blacksmithing, preserving and developing the traditions of blacksmithing in Gyumri. Academy is also the only higher education institution in the Caucasus, where, in addition to classical graphic printing, alternative printing methods are taught: cyanotype, resinotype,silk printing, etc."
Vahagn Ghukasyan
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